MovieChat Forums > Shelter (2009) Discussion > So I've watched this movie 3 times in th...

So I've watched this movie 3 times in the past 2 days...

...and am planning on watching it again tonight. Is this a normal symptom of falling in love with this beautiful movie? I just love it.


Yep it's a normal symptom.

Bad choices to make when your genie grants you 3 wishes.
Uh, 2 cokes and some chips.


I've got you beat! I watched it probably ten times when I Netflixed it. I BOUGHT the DVD and I'm watching this while I type this. Welcome to the craziness! Its a great film!!


Haha, I keep trying to find another film that leaves me with the same warm fuzzy feeling. And when I don't, then I go back and watch this again, lol. It's just so wonderful. I can't believe it took so long for me to find it.


Yep. This kind of reaction to the movie isn't unusual at all.

The "Shelter Effect" is more like a possession than an obsession. I watched it every day during the first month I saw it. Then every week for a couple of months after that. I had to "wean" myself down to a maintenance "dose" (now I watch it once a month and I think I'll keep it that way). In total, I've seen it at least 100 times.

It's the perfect nonprescription pick-me-up where the side effects are overwhelmingly positive. I would normally be really ashamed to admit being this attached to anything but, as was said before, if no other piece of entertainment measures up in quality or heart, then I really was doing myself a favor to not waste my time on them instead. (Ahhh . . . the rationalizations).

If nothing else, Shelter should get the award for Most Addictive Film!


I laughed when I read this post because I have just done the exact same thing! Three times in 2 days! When I first saw it a couple of years ago, I thought it was okayish, but I mostly dismissed it as yet another low-budget gay indie flick. But the more I watch it, the more I see in it. This film stands head and shoulders above the rest.


If I owned it I would have watched it many more than the mere two times I have watched it in general. It is a beautiful movie, and that's always a symptom with me when I find a movie I love; I watch it many times in a matter of days.

I'd rather be disemboweled with a toothbrush.


I have to agree, this movie is going to be very addictive for me indeed. I have it on netflix now and am getting ready to purchase a copy online. So until my purchased copy arrives I won't be returning the netflix copy until it gets here. LOL! For a movie that is so simply done, it is also a very powerful piece of art. Kudos to all that were involved in developing a movie that I have immediately fallen in love with.

"I never did mind about the little things."


well I am addicted. I first watched it on Sunday , today is Wednesday and i seen it 7 times , and i keep telling myself its not that bad.
i am completely hooked . and i am not that obsessed with the actors , it is more the story , and how it is told .


I'm glad I'm not alone with feeling this way about Shelter. I first saw it about 6 months ago and became totally obsessed with it. It's a beautiful film, so easy to watch and I just love it - I had to stop myself from watching it every day, but it wasn't easy!


hahah this post made me laugh so much. You're not alone!! This film is soooooo cute. I love it. It really is an inspiring movie. I can't really remember how many times i watched it but A LOT:D
I had the same reaction in the past with 2 other films: Donnie Darko and Marie Antoinette. I think i watched both of them every night for like 2 weeks.
But don't worry it gets better!


Not sure if I should be admitting to this but here goes:
I bought the film on Blu-ray assuming it would have the extras, none there so I bought the dvd...still no extras so I had to order the Region 1 dvd from America - but at least I got the commentary etc!
Donnie Darko is a great film, haven't seen Marie Antionette yet but I do want to see it.
I think the last time I felt like this about a film was The Usual Suspects, although I didn't actually buy that film 3 times...:-D


ahaha so the most important question : how many times did you watch the commentary???!!! ;D


Lol!!! I was hoping you wouldn't ask me that :-) The best answer I can give is I have watched it maybe once or far as I can remember!! :-D


Does the commentary explain the motivation of the characters or are they just talking about how much fun it was to shoot this movie?


I enjoyed the commentary but would probably describe it as 'nice', they do talk about how fun it was to make the film and the director and 2 leads seem to have a good chemistry but for me personally they don't go into enough detail about the characters. I don't regret buying it though, which is good as I had to buy 3 copies to get it!


i'll have to order it from America too then!


I definitely think it's nice to have Shelter with all the extras...although not sure that I need 3 copies of the same movie :-)


At one point in the commentary, at the scene in which Zach and Tori are having their final conversation in which Zach becoming emotional, Trevor Wright on the commentary says in a slightly cracking voice, "This is still hard to watch." Brad Rowe laughs a little and asks "Something just hit home?" Wright replies "I don't know." I got the feeling that Trevor might have had some strong feelings for Katie Walder, who played Tori. You certainly couldn't blame him.


This movie was a huge surprise. I loved it. It's in the same league as Beautiful Thing and All Over The Guy for me. I've watched it quite a few times in the past 5 days. I like the music in the movie, too.


I agree about Beautiful Thing it's a great movie, I really like Get Real too. Haven't seen All Over The Guy though, will add that one to my list.


Great post!! I think this is totally normal!! When I found this movie a few years ago, I watched it over and over and over again. Some days I watched it twice. And the other day I wanted to watch it again, and guess what??? I'm back watching it over and over and over again... I'll never get tired of this one!!! It's beautiful! I'm glad I'm not the only obsessed one !! Lol
