Magic in GoT?

So for no real reason, I decided to make a list of magic/mythical creatures in Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire. If you think of any that aren't on this list, please post them below!

1. Dragons
2. Direwolves
3. Warging / Skin-changing
4. Glamour (Red Priestess)
5. Fire-seeing (Red Priestess)
6. Bringing Back the Dead (various)
7. Giants
8. Voodoo/ Witchcraft (ala Mirri)
9. Wearing Other Faces (Faceless Men)
10. White Walkers
11. The Wall
12. Ice Spiders
13. Children of the Forest
14. Blood magic (Red priestess, maybe Mirri)
15. Warlocks (House of the Undying)
16. Valyrian Steel
17. Dragon Glass / Obsidian (kills white walkers)
18. Greenseeing / Three-eyed Raven
19. Dany's Fire-Proof-ness (?)


It's a sword and sorcery tale, so of course it's bathed in magic! I'm not sure the Red Woman stoops to glamour, though, Leia. Glamour is the craft of causing people to see something other than what is there. I think she has the greater power of transformation. She actually becomes something other, then reverts to her true self when she doffs her talisman. To add to your list, whatever that Maester did to The Mountain may be yet another craft.

BTW, Leia, if, as it seems to be the case, the (ahem) arcane interests you, you might want to watch the series Penny Dreadful. All three seasons are available on demand on Showtime.


In the books, it was clear that it was glamour rather than transformation. I think it actually called what she did glamour at one point, but I understand the confusion. Certainly rather strong glamour. c;

What happened to the Mountain I classify under bringing back the dead, but good point.

EDIT: I briefly looked at Penny Dreadful, but unfortunately it doesn't quite seem like my thing. I usually try to stay away from horror, unless it's mixed in with other things such as with GoT. I prefer more "magical" fantasy if you catch my drift. Thanks for the suggestion, anyway!


Children of the forest and White Walkers. Also, The Wall has magic powers to stop certain individuals from crossing over.


How could I forget them? *gasp*
I'll add those right away, thanks!


Leia, the Red Woman also used blood magic to kill a king 👑 Why do you think Direwolves are magical? I love a huge wolf more than most folks do, but I haven't seen the Dires do anything occult. What am I missing?

Season Two of Penny Dreadful centered around witches and dark arts. It *might* appeal to you more than the first and last seasons. I think you're more likely to enjoy a show that ran on Oxygen for two seasons, if you can find it on Hulu or Netflix or somewhere, The Witches of East End. Blessed Be.


Because the Starks can warg into them. 😌
Also, I'm listing general mythical creatures as well. As in, animals/races that don't exist in our world.

And I'll take a look at that other show, too, lol.


Hmm... What do the Children of the Forest actually do? Can they warg/skinchange and/or greensee? What about those fireballs and creating the White Walkers... Can they do more spell-like things, too?


Children of the forest are considered mythical creatures. Also, in one of Bran's visions he saw that Children of the forest created White Walkers. That should be enough to put them on a list, I figure.

P.S. I just re-watched that scene (to make sure I remember correctly) and Bran says to one of the Children: "It was you. You created WW"... and he is talking not about Children in general but to that specific Child. That would make that person thousands of years old, which also isn't normal.


Yeah, I know they belong on the list. I was just trying to remember what magical things they could do, lol. And good point about the long lifespan.


Ah, a misunderstanding... I thought you were in doubt if they belong on a list. :)


Nope. They're definitely on the list. ;3
Just couldn't remember what kinds of magical stuff specifically they could do.


If you follow the history of "game of thrones" universe, you will find that; thousands of years ago, children of Forrest were the ruler the westeros until "the first man" came to the westeros from esos and fight against them. After achieving the victory against them the first man established the human civilization in westeros. After the defeat, Children created white walker to destroy human reigns but they lost control on white walker by overpowered them. Ww brought devastating war upon human durings the era of long night. The chosen one "azor hai" led human in the long night and defeat the ww and drove back them far north. The Wall was built on the consequence. both the first man & the lord who build the wall are the ancestors of the House stark.


I feel like a lot of that is guesswork/speculation. Not that I have a problem with it, though. It makes sense.


As far as I know GOT universe has incredible background history like lord of the rings universe. It has its own history of thousands of years, mythological era, own civilisation pace. Honourable writer make it almost flawless. Great work.


Of course! Haven't you read "A World of Ice and Fire"?

... I have it, but I haven't read through it completely yet. Just bits and pieces that stuck out to me.


No, but thanks to bring this table, I will read it..... 😊


It's basically an encyclopedia/history book on everything Game of Thrones related.


I know this much (no thanks to series but by reading more about it). I was wondering if perhaps Children of the Forest are immortal?


They are immortal but not indestructible.....


*warlock's who try to kill dragon queen in esos, Killed entire city royals in a meeting.
*valerian steel sowrd. Which is only effective against white walkers sowrd glass.
*Dragon Glass.
*Nothern's tree face god.
*witchcraft that causes the kal dragos death.
*targeriarian's fire proof blood-line
*the survivability of Dwarf lannister prince tyrion with his astonishing wittiness throughout this bloodbath series..... :)



Although I think GRRM confirmed that not all Targaryens are fireproof, even Dany was just a fluke. And plot armor doesn't quite count as magic. ;3


Remember Dany's brother's Golden Crown? The dude was not fireproof!


Of course. I actually liked Vicerys (Viserys?) as a character. His madness and stupidity were rather amusing, although he did suffer some in childhood if I remember correctly.

Heck, that's what Joffrey would be like if he grew up. A spoiled brat with glorious golden hair and anger issues who thinks everyone should bow down to him. 😂


Leia, I was just going through my movie library looking for something to enjoy late at night, and the film I selected is one I've enjoyed for many years, and you might, too. It's "The Beastmaster," a well-done sword-and-sorcery flick starring Marc Singer, Rip Torn, John Amos, an amazing black tiger, a hawk and 2 ferrets. It's a very different tone from Penny Dreadful.


A black tiger?! That alone makes me want to watch it! Lol, I'll definitely take a look at it, thanks!


#6 is called Necromancing.


In some ways, yes. But I'm not quite sure if I would consider what the Red Priests and Damphair do necromancy; more like intense healing. The White Walkers definitely use Necromancy, though.
