MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Do you think the writing is affected by ...

Do you think the writing is affected by the actors and casting?

Sure, the writers are for the most part following GRRM's books and outline, but how much wiggle-room do they have to give more screen time to characters who click with audiences, or to write out those who don't? This is a particularly big question for child characters, would Arya still be around if Maisie Williams weren't so talented and likeable? Would Bran have a larger role if audiences had more interest in his journey?

I have to say, the casting department has done an excellent job, particularly with the kids who have literally grown up in their roles. Even small parts like Robyn Arryn, that child actor has gone from being a perfect little beastly child to a highly slappable teenager. He's terrific.


Well, they have certainly deviated from the books by now. No idea how much of it is part of the plot of Winds of Winter. They probably do pander to fans to some degree, or just make it up as they go.


Not as much as the modern political pop-culture and delirious SJWs.


I think they did. If they really did this, i think it's a good decision. Even the casting and the roleplay of little "lady mormont" is perfect , i really adore her. :)


To some degree, yes.


In some cases, yes. The Hound keeps on living way past his expiration date, for instance. That's gotta be cause viewers like him.
