MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Am I the only one who'd like to see Tyri...

Am I the only one who'd like to see Tyrion on the Iron Throne?

He has a totally legit claim, right? And he's smarter than any of the others in the running. Wittier, too.


Too bad Tywin is dead because I would like to see the look on his face with Tyrion on the Iron Throne.


I think it would worth getting Melisandre to reanimate him just to see that.


"Surprise Dad!". Then put him down again with the crossbow.


I was just happy to see him bleed out on the other throne


If he is supposed to be the bastard son of Aegon and Joanna (Tywin's wife?), maybe. But I don't see him betraying Dany and I prefer him to be the Hand of the King.


I'd like to see him reign with Dany. I think he understands governance better than any other character in the GoT world. Dany understands war and leadership, in military terms, but Tyrion has a broader comprehension of the workings of a government. He's better educated than anyone else, and more compassionate than most of the ruling classes. He understands the concerns of the little man.


That's the interesting thing about these characters - Dany has had flashes of real strategic brilliance, but isn't a great politician to put it politely. She needs people like Tyrion and Varys, and IMHO she also needs someone like Jon who can see the really big picture and act on it.

And Jon needs a Tyrion to handle the politics for him in the worst way! And that's the only reason I don't want to see Tyrion on the throne at the end, just because he'd prefer to be Hand.


Has that been implied? That he's the bastard son of Aegon? That would be a really interesting development if there was another Targaryon besides Dany and Jon Snow.


I honestly never really saw the implication but it was one of the theories I read about him which supposedly explains Tywin's hatred for him, but all dwarves are bastards in their father's eyes. If it's true though, I really wouldn't mind it and would find it to be interesting too.


Definitely! He would be a great king. Dany has a cruel streak in her that I do not trust.


Tyrion would be a terrific king, and would have a claim as Cersei's next of kin or (maybe) Aerys's son... Or just the last man standing.

But he'd make a better Hand than he would a king, which is to say that is to say that if he were king, he couldn't find a Hand who was better at it than himself.


You make a good point, he's excellently suited for both roles. But we've seen how the Hand can be stymied by a bad ruler, haven't we?


He would make a great king, because of how diplomatic and smart he is.




Nah. Once the war against the Walkers is done, IF there is anybody remaining, and IF Kings Landing is still standing, whoever is left (my money is on Jon Snow, Tyrion and Daenerys), will destroy the Iron Throne.

Think about it. All the blood that's been spilled for this piece of junk, and the very way it even came into being, makes it a symbol of oppression and conquest that neither of these characters will want to uphold.


Even better. Whether or not the throne remains, a leader will emerge. I would find it thrilling if we'd see that society evolve beyond the idiocy of rule by Divine Right and bloodline, and elevate the most qualified and humane person among them to that station. In my opinion, that would be Tyrion. I'd also like to see Varys in a high post.


I think many of us would love that. If it did, I think he would probably have Cersei and her major supporters killed, and possibly be more lenient with Jaime. Would depend on how Jaime reacted toward Cersei's death probably. Punishing his family like that would show he was a force to be reckoned with, and probably make the common people happy. Beyond paying back the Lannisters (haha), I think he would likely be a fair, strong, smart ruler that people would like. So it probably won't happen ;)


He'd make a great king too. He's got a nice quality of mercy but he's no chump like Jon Snow. I like how he picks his allies too, and he actually keeps them loyal which is quite a feat in that kingdom.


I don't think I'd call Jon a chump, but his heart overrules his head. Jon's repeatedly had problems with discord and mutiny among those who are sworn to obey him. One has to wonder if he'd be able to govern among disparate groups when even the Night's Watch rebelled against him. More than just bravery and a good heart are needed to govern.

Dany has fierce loyalty among her followers, but it's loyalty based on her marriage to Drogo, her miracles, and, to a large extent, due to her having liberated a hefty percentage of her adherents from slavery. More well-situated peoples might not flock to her.

We don't know if Dany's talented at strategy. (We might find out soon, depending on whether she listens to Tyrion or Olenna, and how that works out. It would be great if she could plot a victory which didn't depend on her dragons.)

I like Tyrion's diplomatic instincts, needed, I think, for a sustained, peaceful reign. He also has some awareness of military strategy and economics, both crucial traits. His compassion brings a vital humanity to these other qualities.


Maybe I'm unfair to call Jon a chump - I think your description suits him well. He has a good heart but like Ned, he doesn't consider the effects of treachery enough.
