MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Refresh my memory, please (?) (Daeneris)

Refresh my memory, please (?) (Daeneris)

Watching Season 6...and I've been away from the show for so long I've forgotten how she came to be impervious to fire.

Was this explained, ever?


It's a genetic Targaryen trait, although not all of them had it.


Thank you.

Okay...and if I may beg m'lord's indulgence: What is the objective of the mystical temple Arya has joined? They've targeted the actress to get her face, and I forgot what their overall goal and purpose is : (

On another note, I had forgotten how physically beautiful this show is, and how well crafted the photography/lighting/etc. is!


The House of Black and White is a cult of assassins. I believe they were once slaves who revolted against their masters, but I could be wrong about that. A lot of it is mystery.


<< I could be wrong about that. A lot of it is mystery. >>

Aye. And shall remain so, should the Olde Gods desire.

So swear we all.



You are correct about their origin. They were slaves in Valyria who were subject to such horrible conditions that they considered death to be a gift that relieved their suffering. Later they brought that gift to the masters.

It makes Danys role as "breaker of chains" ironic since her ancestors were apparently monsterous slave masters.


Ah, okay. Thanks. x3


The Faceless Men serve the Many-Faced God aka the God of Death. They offer assassination and euthanasia services for a price, and the price varies according to the target and the reason behind it. For example, when King Robert's small council was discussing how to kill Dany in Season 1, someone said that they could buy an entire army for what the FM would charge. Yet, in a later season (5?) they took a job on behalf of a poor widow. Their morality is somewhat inscrutable to me at this point, because in some cases they seem to not care a whit about who is getting killed or why, and in other cases it seems that they do. I've avoided trying to dig for answers because it's one of the most interesting storylines to me, and I don't want to be spoiled.


Right. Thanks. I'm just so quasi-vague about some elements of the show and it's many characters, I've simply forgotten what's been explained, and what's still left enigmatic : )


The faceless men/house of black and white is a religion but it's also just a bunch of paid killers. They make a big lofty show about philosophy and killing to sacrifice to their god and all that, you can get distracted by their magical powers and cool temple, but when you come down to it they are just killing for money. All their philosophy is kind of bullshit.
Like when Arya kills someone that she was not paid to kill, she gets lectured 'that life was not hers to take'... but the only difference is money! They will kill anyone for the right price. Innocent people, good people, bad people, it doesn't matter as long as they get paid. There isn't a lot of honor or moral justification behind that.


Actually, it wasn't ever explained. It's assumed to be a Targaryen trait, but George RR Martin said in an interview that Targaryens aren't impervious to fire; the birth of the dragons was supposed to be a miracle, but the showrunners just ran with it being fact.


It was never fully explained why, but in the first season we see Danyris go in to a hot tub with water that is boiling hot. We aren't explained why her brother wasn't impervious to fire as she was. Perhaps he wasn't really a Targaryan.


Where did the dragons go after Tyrion unpinned their collars? They kind of slunk backwards into the shadows. Is there another exit back there? Can they fit up the stairs and out the front door if they want? Are they waiting back for Dany to come back? I'd assume they'd follow her scent to wherever she is.

I'm sure there will be a big scene where they come winging to her side at some climactic moment...but I don't mind (this) SPOILER



I believe you are referring to sometime in season five where Danyris flees Mereen after the attempted coup. The two dragons stay there in the dungeon until she comes back to Mereen in season six. They come out in season six, episode nine at the beginning with Dany and the third Dragon.


Can't wait...thanx : )


She is a Dragon.


I seem to remember something in one of the earlier episodes where something should have burned Dany and didn't. I don't remember what it was but it was before her brother was killed. That's how she knew she was impervious to fire. I seem to recall her servant girl there witnessing it too. Perhaps someone has a more exact memory of this.
