MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Theon (spoilers through S7 E2)

Theon (spoilers through S7 E2)

I really hate what they did with him there. I think he deserved his redemption arc and now they're messing with him again.


To be fair, he saw guys getting their body parts hacked off, and reverted to being Reek. But I know what you mean. I was hoping for redemption as well, and a swift end to Urinal.


Oh he'll get it...just not yet. He's suffering from PTSD...of course they don't call it that...but that's what he has. I'm sure he'll come out of this and have his moment.


Yes, he was definitely triggered by the scene once he stopped fighting for a minute and was able to take it all in. Maybe he thought Euron would flay him like Ramsay did. He certainly seems cruel enough to do that.


Yes I'm sure Euron is a complete @sshole! And I'm sure he could rival Ramsey easily. We'll probably soon see...unfortunately.


What were his options though? If he attacked euron, yara and him would probably have died in the fighting.


Unless you're a Klingon it's almost always better to live to fight another day.


Agreed. I think Euron would have surely either killed him, or captured him (to then have him tortured and killed). He jumped out of cowardice, which makes sense given his history, but in the greater scheme of things it was beneficial for him to escape to then be able to inform Denearys who attacked them, and perhaps redeem himself in another way later on - He can't really redeem himself if he's captured or killed.


I think Theon would actually be better off dead in his hyper macho culture than to be the coward that he is, and probably always has been. Theon's great weakness throughout the series is that he always tried to pretend he was tougher and more in charge than he actually is and that's what created his great errors like killing the farm boys. A redemption arc would have been nice, even if he failed, I just don't see how his character can come back from this.


And yet it was completely in his character to do what he did, there's still some Reek (and old Theon) left in him.


Yeah, that bothered me, too. But thinking back, it really was in character for him. He didn't want to risk fighting Euron, because he knew Euron would probably kill them both, or capture and torture them both. There's still a lot of Reek in him.
