Season 7 quality

I'm really enjoying it. I thought all three episodes so far were great. Things are happening faster and there are no fillers. Actually it's jumping ahead fast. And the fact that it is all a surprise and new material that doesn't have book spoilers is great. Sure, this was the case for most of season 6 too but season 6 was still moving slowly; this one is going a lot faster.


Yep it's like Seasons 1-6 were the cake, and these final two seasons are the icing on the cake. The fast-paced movement of characters is refreshing.


It's great, but I truly despise having to wait years for the resolution of a story. From now on, I won't start a series until it's completely done.


You'll be spoiled by the time you get to it though because someone will spoil it for you on facebook, here on another board, your family and friends talking, etc.


I've been enjoying this season. The quality is consistent. I do have one minor criticism...
As great as it is to see all these characters converging, seeing them reuniting or meeting for the first time, all they have really been doing is conveying information that while mind blowing to one another, we as the audience already learned about long ago. So until we get past all the character to character exposition catching up to the audience, it going to feel a bit underwhelming.


There are still surprises. We didn't know that Dany would get to such a bad start in Westeros.


I wouldn't say it is all that bad. She's had two losses thus far and we know why that is. We knew the moment she decided to head to Dragonstone instead heading straight to Kings Landing. By minimizing the casualties at Kings Landing she's going to lose some battles before winning the war.


Yes, but the last scene of season 6 made us thing that she would roll over Westeros like an unstoppable force. Not really, apparently. It did surprise me a little. I thought she'd start by winning, then suffer some setbacks. Because of all the build up, the Unsullied, the Dothraki, the Iron Navy, the dragons... All the delay in getting to Westeros... I expected her to finally kick some a**.


Yeah, I thought the same way prior to the premiere. Once I saw that she went to Dragonstone instead of Kings Landing, I knew she'd suffer losses.

Also, this is just my feel on it, but I'm not even all that excited about how that fight will turn out. It seems fairly predictable at this point. Regardless of who dies along the way, Cersei is going to lose her seat. I'm more interested in the battle with the White Walkers. They are the only real wild card at this point. And they have that huge advantage in that no one considers them a threat or believes they are real until they are on the doorstep.


As they often mention in the series, Targaryens conquered Westeros thanks to dragons. I don't know what Dany is waiting for. Those dragons are just flying around, killing time and getting fat. They should be put into action as soon as possible.


Pictures of episode 4 that have been released show the dragons attacking. It's coming.


They probably did that so that she will need Snow and the North as allies instead of being condescending over them. Plus, she might have a traitor in her midst which would be the main twist that leads to something more sinister.


I loved the first episode. The last two episodes have been major let-downs though. I liked some scenes (the Arya scenes last episode among others) but generally speaking, they are not even cutting corners anymore, they are rushing everything to the point it feels like I'm watching the whole run of the show by only seeing the last 10 minutes of every season finale.

The whole fleet decimated in 2 mn flat. The Sands eliminated in 5 mn. Casterly Rock taken in 12 seconds. High Gardens and the Tyrells dispatched off screen (supposedly they were not great at fighting but I remember them saving the Lannisters bacon when Stannis was taking Kings Landing, no?)

It's all too fast and all too convenient and boring.


It's fast because they have to finish the story up. Winter is coming.


I'm enjoying this season a lot too especially with how dragging season 5 was. But I feel it's going way too fast, this really needed 20 episodes for 2 Seasons instead of 13.
