MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Dothraki Horde vs Westeros mounted King...

Dothraki Horde vs Westeros mounted Kinght army

What chances do you think the Dothraki horde have against a fully armed-highly professional-loyal to death-head to toe armored-disciplined-acted by battle formations-Shielded westeros kinght army??
In my opinion, dothraki horde will lose the battle. I know they are savage-fearsome-superior fighter than any westeros fighter if our measurements on head to head. But westeros kinghts are team men. If we flashback to our human history, we saw the romans/greeks were triumphed over so many savage/more force strength/fearsome armies because of their better military plans and battle formations. So, 45000-50000 westeros kinght would be enough for bashing the dothraki horde.
There is opposite historical example too, Look at the Triumphs of Ghengish Khan and his Mongolian horde over the whole world in 11-12 centuries.
My bet on Westeros Kinghts. Protecting motherland from forigen invaders will giving them extra edge.
**please no spoilers or book references
**lets not add the dragons/giants/WW other mythical creatures in this head to head count.


I had to chuckle a bit, because suddenly the »Cavemen vs Astronauts« discussion in the least Season of »Angel« came to my mind… :-D

Regarding your question, I think it greatly depends on how many of the Westrosi knights are mounted and whether the place they meet is suitable for fighting on horse. On horseback, I think the Dothraki have the advantage.


Fair enough, then imagine about the dothraki horde vs mounted knights. As far as i know kinghts are usually mounted by horse. That is their one of the distinctive battle style.


In the battles we had so far, the Westerosi armied of course had cavalry, but they had a lot of infantry, too.
As far as I remember, the Dorthraki army usually is cavalry only (maybe I’m mistaken here).

Assuming the same number of Dorthraki and Westerosi horsemen, my guess is that the Dorthraki are at an advantage. But this is of course highly theoretical because the Westerosi army will have both…

Oh, by the way:
Don't fret, nobody CAN give you spoilers or book references here, because in the books, the Dorthraki haven’t set foot on Westeros yet. As for (TV show) spoilers… I don't trust any »leaked« information, and apart from that, we all know only what happened up to S07E03.


It's relief to hear about the book. Otherwise it will be impossible to read something in this site without spoilers!! :p


You have one big problem difference you overlooked. Dothraki are fighting for someone they love, Westeros knight will be fighting more out of fear of being killed by their ruler than out of love. In the end the DOthraki are more likely to fight to the death while the knight is more likely to turn tail and run when given a chance and seeing likely death as the price of fighting.

You also forget that the Dothraki will have air support. Imagine a bunch of rag tag fighter taking on a bunch of seasoned infantry from whatever army you pick... Now imagine the rag tag fighter show up to the fight with Warthog planes to give them support where the infantry has never seen a airplane before.... Which side do you think has an advantage now? The infantry is likely to turn tail and run.


As far as i know,
**Dothraki are never fight for someone they love, they fight and destroy things for ravaging. Knight's are the most elite Forces to protect the realm.
**their loyality to leadership is always questionable. Any dothraki man can challenge the leader and can possess the power if he win. Even fearsome karl drogo face the challenge, they refused to take the Danys leadership. Now they obeyed because they saw her unburned, nothing else. Even witch Melisandre can be their leader in this way! Knights are the sowrn protector of royal blood line. They give their life instead but never conspires.
**in Esos, Dothraki horde never face challenges because there is no organized monarch in this continent who can protest. In westeros, royal families are rulling the every bit of continent for thousands of years, They kept fighting each other from the beginning so Knight forces of those royal families are battle tested.
**dothraki never leave the battlegound mybe because they never face such an equal rival. Knights are always the best milltery personnels who equals the odds of battles.(Vale kinghts army in Battle of Basterds)
**Ser davos, Ser mormont, Ser gregor, so many name not remembered knights are give/risk their lifes for their sowrn houses; starks, beratheon, lannisters, tyrells, arryans. I can't remember any dothraki name to do that. Whole Dorthraki horde abandoned their Kaliesi But a Knight Ser Mormont never.
**about Dragons u are absolutely right but shouldn't bring in this head to head count.


Just wait till the next episode.
It's gonna happen exactly as you imagined.
That Tyrell gold ain't getting to no King's landing. And neither Jaime's army )))


I hope so. I'm a bigger enemy of lannisters than every house combined of westeros. :)


**taps foot on floor and fingers on desk** Welllllllll......


Oops, looks like I was wrong about the gold, it actually made it back to King's landing (((
But the food they were farming from the reach, is not )))


What chances do you think the "fully armed and locked and loaded" Westrosi army have against a Dothraki horde and ONE dragon? Sorry but you cannot subtract what is already at play on the show. We have a determined Dothraki horde who have been bestowed the title of all blood riders to their Khaleesi. These men are determined and fierce and much better trained, really, than a bunch of sheep who can march in formation on command.

Sorry but you add in even one dragon and it's as Hudson said in Aliens, "Game over man. Game over!"


Daenerys has weapons of mass destruction.


Precisely. "Dracarys!"


In the words of the great intergalactic star lord bucket's going to be a shit show!!!


With a capital "s"!


I just saw the leaked episode 4. I won't spoil it for you... watch it.


Thanks for your generosity. :P


Just saw the episode. They get the beat down from one Dragon and the Dothraki. Westerosi knights don't stand a fucking chance.

Also, after seeing that giant scorpion spear in action, the clear limitation going forward is that while it can swivel completely around it can't aim completely, directly up. All Dany has to do going forward is have her dragons attack these things from a completely vertical angle and their advanced weapon advantage is gone.




Don't bet too much. They lose.


That was against a depleted force. The Iron bank is sending for help, and the majority of the army that was sent ahead with the gold will be different than the tail of the caravan. Dorkathi against that in a seige situation wouldn't be so effective.

However the Dorkathi and Unsullied fighting together considering the Reach and Castlery Rock isn't that far from each other comparatively speaking against the majority of Lannister forces and [spoiler] the Golden company [/spoiler] then that would be a different story!

A more pressing question is that we spent years with Dany saying she didn't have enough ships to move numbers she needed until the Greyjoys, Tyrells and Sands turned up and they are now gone with their fleet. So really tell me how did Dany magically move enough Unsullied and the the Dorkathi around while Euron's navy prowled?


[spoiler]it was an unexpected battle for the side of lanisters. And their is very few knights in this force 98% of them were foot soldiers.[/spoiler]


Yes as I said they went up against a depleted force.

The Dorkathi against a full Lannister army, even simply the full disciplined infantry cohort with a decent position, undisciplined cavalry wouldn't be so effective.


If you pit a Dothraki horde against an equal number of mounted knights of Westeros, and both armies are fresh and well supplied, the Westerosians would probably win because they have superior technology.

However, the armies of Westeros are NOT fresh and well supplied at this point, they've all been engaged in years of chaotic, massively destructive warfare. Something like 100,000 fighting men died on the battle of the Blackwater and many more elsewhere, so the numbers of fighting men in Westeros has undoubtedly dropped considerably. And those who are left have been badly fed for years and lacked effective medical treatment, those who are still on their feet have probably got infected wounds, parasitic diseases, chancre sores, feet that are raw from cold and inadequate boots, and they're sharing one rabbit among six men for dinner. Plus, they've got to be absolutely fed up with their leaders who are starting a new war every fucking week, while the Dothraki are fresh and spoiling for a fight and convinced that nothing can stop their semi-divine Dragon Queen.

Or the actual dragons. Right now, I give the edge to the Dothraks.


Excuses,excuses ))).
But I'll admit that Drogon made a huge difference in the fight )))


At last! someone who give a good observation not spoilers. Thank you & appreciate it.
Another thing, in open battleground edge mybe goes to dothrakis side but in castle-warfare their battle style will not be effective.


The Dothraki don't have the patience for a long siege, but how many castles in Westeros have the supplies for a long siege?


Harrenhal was melted by dragonfire.


But dragon queen promises no dragon fire.


One basic rule in strategy : never attack with all your troops in what single point.
