Poor Meera SPOILER EP4

Damn, Bran was so cold to her when Meera (who saved his life a bunch of times )went home to protect her family. Bran was emotionless when finally seeing his sisters after all that has happened but the scene with Meera really drove the point home that he is no longer Bran and now the full on the 3 Eyed Raven.


Yeah after all she's gone through to protect him, and her seeing her brother die to protect him too....Bran just go and says 'oh thanks', like as if it meant nothing to him. Like she says, Bran really did die in that cave. I'm glad she reminded him that Hodor sacrificed himself too to protect him.

Bran was quite cold with his sisters, but at least with Ayra he returned the hug, if only lightly, whereas with Stansa he didn't even hug her back.

Yes he really is somebody else altogether now, the 3 Eyed Raven. I hope he'll do more than foretell the past and the future, and he'll actually have some other types of powers.


Only meera survived that cave escape.


Yeah, because the real Bran died in that cave too.

She had to drag 3 Eyed Raven/Bran for miles and miles.....and she didn't even get a hug for it. Ungrateful git.


It's definitely sad. Putting myself in Bran's shoes though, I think I can understand. He's been through quite a lot, and his head has just been filled with probably centuries' worth of information, a lot of which is pretty horrible. He's kind of lost himself in the swamp of it all.


i think all those information gave him a good idea of who's done what and been done to, so everyone's guilty and innocent at the same time, gave him no reason to feel pity or angry at anyone.


I do feel bad for Meera, trekking though the wilderness and protecting/carrying/dealing with Bran that whole time.

But still, what did she expect Bran to say? "Don't leave me. I love you"? "How can I ever repay you?" He did thank her, sincerely, and now we know part of what he's going through.


She didn't just save his life over and over and carry him around, she presumably did everything else necessary to care for a disabled adult. Which FYI is not fun, and can be physically gruelling for one person.

And after all that time in the frozen wilderness, BTW, Bran's body has got to be in pretty bad shape. He's probably mentally distancing himself from his body after that, which is making his mental distance from regular people worse. I don't see much of a future for him.


Yeah. I lump that under "dealing with Bran".

I can see him distancing himself from his body, but it doesn't necessarily follow that it means he's distancing himself even further from normal people. He has suffered quite a bit, although not as much as some characters.


He could have said 'Thank you for everything you and your brother did for me, I'll never forget it'.


I suppose that might have worked, but I feel like it's still a bit corny. Well, maybe not corny, but overdoing it. I dunno. He probably would end up forgetting it in his whole 3-Eyed Raven persona.



All he had to do was pretend he cared. Yep, corny it would have been, but that's what Meera was expecting.


Did she even get a sack of gold or anything for her troubles? Or was it just, "Yeah, don't let the door hit'ya where the Lord split'ya..."


Yeah that's what I was thinking too. Surely they could have given her a sack of gold....although I have a funny feeling she wouldn't have wanted it, and may actually be insulted by the offer. They could have given her a horse at least.


Bran's storyline has always been the most blah to me. sometimes I fast forward thru his scenes, to be honest. I don't even really remember where these two met!


They met in Season 3, in some forest. She was with Jojen Reed, her brother, who would appear to him as a raven and then started tutoring him on his 'powers'.

Yes I must say Bran's storyline especially in the last two seasons have been pretty boring. Apart from the episode when he was attacked by the White Walkers and when Hodor, Jojen and Summer die, everything else was a bit weak.


Ah yes, I do remember that.

Was this after he's been aided by that scruffy raccoon-type gal who was finally killed by that S&M Greyjoy prince?

(I call her the Racoon Gal because there was an interview with her, and she said she tried to base her character on a raccoon, physically. Which seemed like an apt choice!)


Osha? She was killed by Ramsay, not by Theon.


Right. Thank you.

I'll stop now!!


Yeah Osha was the last piece of pussy Theon will ever have til the day he dies.


I thought the Raven in his dreams was the actual 3-Eyed Raven, not Jojen.


I thought it was Jojen warging into a Raven, keeping an eye on Bran


I don't think Jojen could warg, just green-see (have visions). I could be wrong, though.


I think you're right. Bran could green-see the three eyed raven in his dreams and Jojen could green-see Bran and that's why he went to help him.


Something like that, yeah.


I prefer how they met in the books, at Winterfell. I don't remember exactly (and the Wiki for the books is down so I can't check; perfect timing), but I think Howland sent them there to pledge fealty to Robb Stark? Or maybe to Bran as lord of Winterfell after Robb died? I forget which. But then they stuck with Bran from then onwards. I don't get why the show changed it to them meeting in the woods.


I haven't read the books so it's good to know how they met. I guess they changed it to make it visually more cinematic.


I think they met while Rob was alive and I believe some sort of harvest event was taking place and that is were Jojen and Meera visit Winterfell.


I totally agree with you. Hey, Bran disappeared from the story-line for an ENTIRE season and was not missed at all. They got together in the third season. Remember her brother, Jojen, was still alive then (played by the cute actor who as a child was in "Love, Actually") .


"Surely they could have given her a sack of gold...."

The correct thing for fantasy-novel characters to do would be to give her a sack of gold ("...to help our good vassals of House Reed prepare for the coming winter"), an armed guard of honor, and a magical talisman of some kind. Something made of Valerian steel would have been appropriate.


I mean really, the whole thing just lacked class.


It's a BLOT on the House of Stark.


I just hope that Sansa made the official goodbyes off camera, and delivered the thanks that Bran didn't, the sack of gold, and the magical whatsit. Sansa is the only one in the family who knows how to do that sort of thing properly, or even knows it should be done.

Which wouldn't make up for Bran's rank ingratitude, but better to be pissed off with a sack of gold than pissed off without one.


I propose we Stark supporters take up a collection for Meera, in case Miss Sansa missed it.

It could get ugly...


I suspect her family will still have a big card to play in the future of Westeros, when her father reveals the truth of Jon Snow's parentage.


But will he? Is he even still alive? Or am I missing something?


On the show it looked like he survived the fight at the tower. In the books it is clear he survived, and that he is the only person in Westeros (until Bran) who knows what really happened there.


He doesn't seem like Bran anymore. I think he's just the Three Eyed Raven now. He is not the same child. He knows a lot about what has happened and what will happen and apparently he doesn't see the point in having a heart to heart because to him it would be like reliving it. Also, maybe he knows something about Meera that we don't.


What like vaginosis?


i don't know.


her heart broke when she realized Bran was not Bran anymore.


Yes, so sad. Also, there goes my theory that Bran was sort of cold to Sansa because he saw that she may be headed down the wrong path. He's pretty cold to everyone.


He said thank you. And he is clearly different now. What else does she expect? Especially when it was she and her brother who originally were the ones telling him where he needed to go. He didn't ask them to do that
