MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > why destroy the loot train?

why destroy the loot train?

Dany could have those supplies for her massive Dothrakis army, just have the dragon burn up the frontlines or the troops at the rear would be better. She could have done more to soften the Lannister defence instead before the Dothrakis charges into the fray.


My guess is Dany didn't want King's Landing getting ANY of the foodstuffs or loots from formerly Tyrell-controlled territory. Maybe she wants to starve out Cersei and take King's Landing with ease.

Unfortunately, the gold made it safely past the gates of King's Landing, as we're told earlier.


well is not ideal unless she knows where to get the food her army needs.


I had missed the part about the gold. I was sure that was destroyed and then Cersei would still owe the Bank and they would turn on her.


She will. She paid most of it to the Iron Bank. She still has credit...but they aren't going to like this for sure. She's screwed.


Who's to say she doesn't steal that gold from the iron banker, or simply sink it to the bottom of the sea.


I believe this is evidence she is a bit mad. Obviously it was not logical to destroy the food with such an overwhelming force


I think that she did the right thing because war is violent and devastating. She is not going to win the war through diplomacy. She has to somehow be brutal and merciless in battle and be a fair and just on the throne. She is also going to have to be just as brutal and merciless against the night king.


I guess we might see hbo retcon in a few wagons of food she didn't destroy. Seriously dumb move on her part. The army was decimated and she needs the food


she didn't go there to get food. she went there to show her power and destroy everything. she can get food from anywhere. you may consider it a "retcon" but i don't think we're going to see her armies die of hunger.


Well you should rewatch the episode. She explicitly says they have no food to feed her army.


you should rewatch the episode because the attack was not to get supplies. she went against all advise from advisers and attacked as a show of power and to destroy everything.


I guess you are arguing a different point. I expect to see her advisors fretting over the fact she burned all the food they needed. Considering there was none at casterly rock. And this has been mentioned a few times


they could mention it, but yeah, it has been mentioned before. i don't think her plan is to wage a long war. she is done with listening to advice about not being like her father. john made a compelling argument about how she shouldn't do exactly what she did. she can finish the war by just burning all her enemies and she can take what her army needs. food. gold. supplies. whatever. there are only 2 episodes left in the season so the food is not a major issue.


I was actually surprised how much mention food stores has gotten this season. Sansa has mentioned it twice. Cersei has mentioned it. Jaime has mentioned it twice. Danaerys has mentioned it. And Tyrion has mentioned it.


They were talking about stockpiling food for winter going back to a small council meeting in Season 2, but the wars took precedence. Instead of stockpiling food, the armies of Westeros have been using it up themselves on their campaigns (when they weren't busy actually burning the crops).


more reason to root for the white walkers!


Food scarcity is an enormous threat during both war and winter. Wars have broken out all over, and winter has already arrived in Northern Westeros.

Makes perfect sense that food would be as much of a focus as gold.

Speaking of gold, I loved the scene where mercenary Bronn dropped his gold bag, and hesitated for a moment before running. Gold only helps you if you are alive to spend it!


Yes. Which is why Dany is stupid for burning the grain needlessly




"she is done with listening to advice about not being like her father. john made a compelling argument about how she shouldn't do exactly what she did."

No, he argued against using the dragons to burn cities and castles full of innocent people. Not against attacking an army that she's at war with. Civilians and soldiers are different kinds of targets.


There is no difference in this world between civilians and soldiers. It's not like now where 1% of the USA serves in the army. Every family and man in kings landing serves the lannisters in time of war. Unless they are absolutely essential in another capacity. Parsing out where you use a dragon to control another force is a bad argument. It's called "resting on a qualifier." In this case john talking about cities. The attack took place directly Outside the city. Besides that fact danaerys was stupid in her direct attack on bronn and burning the food stores. They deliberately showed her see the harpoon and fly directly at it in defiance and vanity.


There is most definitely a difference in soldiers and civilians. If you suit up, hold a weapon and carry a banner then you are much different than a woman or child or old person that just happened to be born in Flea Bottom. Psychologically the citizens of KL would be thinking "Damn our own Queen has repeatedly shown she has no qualms about killing any of us. This Dragon Queen could have easily killed us and DIDN'T. She only killed soldiers." See the difference there?

As far as the food goes. Maybe the dragon could have scooped up some wagons. Maybe. We've seen them grab a goat here and there but not a herd or goats. How much food could the dragon have grabbed and dropped off? Was all the food burned up or will the Dothraki take what was left? We don't know yet.

If stealing the food was not possible then making sure Cersei can't have it either is the next best option. Now the playing field is equal concerning food.


There is no way I'm reading that. If you think old poor people in kings landing are happy about a dragon killing their men youre crazy. There is not a difference like there is today where people don't even know we are in a war


So you prefer to continue making ridiculous comments and have everyone laugh at your naive posts? Okay then.

Ignorance is bliss they say.


Huh? Is that like your finishing move or something? How's your fart smell?


You want me to fart in your face and then finish on you? Just because your boyfriend does that doesn't make it okay to ask strangers to fart in your mouth. Perhaps inhaling all those noxious fumes explains why you're a simpleton.

Uh oh. This is too many sentences for you to read in one sitting, huh?



Lol. Weirdo


So YOU want to smell my farts but I'M the weirdo? You're losing it little benjo Go outside and sniff some fresh air before you go totally crazy


Lol. Weirdo




Well she effectively neutralized Cersei. Cersei may have gotten the gold, but she has to pay all of that back to the Iron Bank. She was counting on the food, especially with winter spreading. It would have been better for Dany's army to have the food for herself, but it certainly makes a bold statement to her enemy that she destroyed it.


They have no base of operations on the mainland.

To take those provisions and attempt to get them back to Dragonstone would have put the entire army at risk.

So they did the next best thing, deny them to the enemy.

It is very standard wartime strategy.


They still have some ships to get them to Dragonstone and who else have the army to stop them from doing it after the decimation of the Lannister army esp with Drogon around to fry up any opposition.
