MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Questions about the leaks - SPOILERS

Questions about the leaks - SPOILERS

So I've read the spoiler bullet points for the next three episodes and tried to find clarifications on some of them. So I'm if anyone knows the answers to these, let me know.

-How does Jaime and Bronn end up safe in KL in the next episode and not taken prisoner by Dany?
-What is Littlefinger hoping to accomplish by trying to create strife between Arya and Sansa?
-There's a parlay between Cersei, Dany, Jon, Brienne and others where they show Cersei proof of the army of the dead. She agrees to send KL troops to fight them in the north and then admits to Jaime she lied and plans to let the Walkers crush her enemies. So the question is, when its clear that any enemies who are crushed by the White Walkers end up becoming part of the army of the dead, why would she risk that kind of action? Just pure stupidity?


Did you get that from reddit or Emergency Awesome video?

I watched the video and checked the reddit discussion on the leaks for episode 5.

As for Cersei, she's never been as smart as she imagines herself to be. She likes to liken her intellect to Tywin but Tyrion is far more Tywin's son intellectually. Remember Cersei and what she did to the Tyrells? These were her allies and an asset to the Lannisters but she dispatched them because she was petty, short sighted, tunnel visioned, spiteful, and power hungry. Her reaction to the WW is in similar vein.




You would have thought Cersei had learnt her lesson after the whole High Sparrow palaver. She's more stupid than I thought she was. I think her stupidity will ultimately get her killed by Jamie.


I'm not sure about these spoilers. I saw different ones that made more sense.


Those darn leaks are the reason I started avoiding this board. I never know when someone will post something that will ruin my viewing experience. And people who've seen leaks seldom put "spoilers" on top of their posts.


Why are you commenting on a thread about leaks if the leaks are the reason you're supposedly avoiding the boards? And mine is labeled SPOILER.

Such a strange self defeating comment to make.


I didn't read any of it. It's possible to post on a thread without reading it first, you know. I just wanted to express my outrage and what better place than this thread.


When I go to a forum I am more than aware that I might read spoilers, so if I don't want any, I just avoid the forums. And I certainly don't click on threads that say Spoilers.


I didn't click on a thread that mentioned "spoilers". I clicked on a thread that mentioned "leaks". And my original post was meant as an indirect hint to people who've seen the leaks to be careful what they say in forum. I hoped that they will be drawn to this thread (as it mentions leaks) and see my post. The post wasn't meant for anyone else but those who've seen leaks.


Sorry but what's the difference between spoilers and leaks?



In game of thrones, spoilers usually means something from the books.


Okay, I gettcha!
