When to expect season 8?

I've heard varying accounts on when the last season will air from 1 year, to 1 & a half years, to 2 years. The principal shooting is supposed to start this October. So does anyone have a definitive account when we can expect the last season? 2019? or hopefully mid-late 2018?


Q: So as of now, the final season could air in 2018 and/or in 2019 depending on their needs?
A: Yeah. They have to write the episodes and figure out the production schedule. We’ll have a better sense of that once they get further into the writing.

Q is Entertainment Weekly, A is HBO's programming president Casey Bloys.
The full interview is here:


I'm afraid it will most likely air in 2019, that is such a long wait. But from what I've heard they've already written the episodes and will start shooting this October because they're waiting for winter.
