MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Entertaining, sure, but palpable dip in ...

Entertaining, sure, but palpable dip in quality when compared with previous seasons

I would like to preface this by saying that Game of Thrones is still a very entertaining show, but the reasons for this aren't because the show has retained its superlative quality from previous seasons, but because the previous seasons were so well done, with such well-executed character development, that fans are attached to the characters and eagerly await their resolution.

Perhaps I'm only speaking for myself here, but after watching season 7, it has struck me just how much the quality of the show has diminished. If we compare season 7 with seasons 1-3, it's almost like watching two different shows. From excellent writing, meticulous pacing, fantastic character development, and actions having consequences to average and inconsistent writing, convenient passages of time for the sake of wrapping up plot points, and consequences being resolved with deus ex machina's, sometimes more than once in the same episode.

I know people like the show. It is very entertaining. But if the quality of season 7 were the introduction for the series, I don't think this show would have gotten as much recognition.

My only hope is that once the show ends, the worsening in quality won't overshadow the excellence of the first 3 or 4 seasons.


its like the abridged version. things are moving a lot faster now. no fluff added.


I've always felt that the further the show got from the source material the worse it got...


season 5 was a mess. thats when the quality really dipped. Dorne could have been replaced with something more significant.


The show has never been perfect, except maybe for during season 1. There's always been exposition to slog through and plot lines that bogged down, and we bitched about them at the time and said the show was going down hill. You know, the politics of Mereen slogging on for YEARS, the ridiculous Sand Snakes, the infighting among the Night's Watch, Sansa languishing around King's Landing, the weirdness at the HOBAW and Arya's ludicrous escape... there have always been problems, this season hasn't been perfect but that's nothing new.

In fact, I consider this season to be an improvement over the last. Season 6 was actually pretty dull, except for the last two episodes. Those were so good that everyone forgot how much tedium had come before.


The show is far from tidy. Ther are piles upon piles of context from the sources material that need to balanced with the truncated format and pave of a television show. Sacrifices will always be made. Thus far, I think they have done a damn good job.


I liked the whole season 7,
only the final episode it 'felt' different too me. Just not matching the tone just a little bit less then the rest of the series did.
It felt a bit 'less real' too me.

Too much characters meet (sounds like a fan-idea -> 'Wouldn't it be cool if aaaaaall cool characters meet in one place')
Theon - Jon Snow with music was a bit too much for me
The joke Tally 'did you see it' to 3 eyed raven and he holds the raven-letter in hand i also didn't like

The twist with Aegon i found cool - i guess the author told them that fact

Still all in all great.


You're right, a lot of this season felt like fan fiction.
