MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > I Wish I Could Muster Up More Enthusiasm...

I Wish I Could Muster Up More Enthusiasm for the New Season

Especially since it has been a hiatus of two years, and the premiere of the final season is tomorrow evening, but based on the last season, I can't help feeling that Benioff and Weiss are going to take us towards a boringly conventional no-thrills good v evil payoff, especially since they've killed-off most of the interesting and ambiguous characters like Littlefinger and Stannis.

I can't help thinking that GRRM's own conclusion to his saga, assuming it ever happens, will be a lot less predictable and a lot less inclined to pander to the dullard mainstream fans in the back rows who want their fanfic theories catered for and who seem to demand a simplistic good versus evil Star Wars style resolution where the goodies naturally win...*yawn*


I thought that GRRM' was consulting with Benioff and Weiss re: the TV show.

BTW, I'm convinced he finished the books years ago and he's pretending otherwise in order to milk GOT dry for every penny.


I'm not. He's a slacker.

I just watched that 60 minutes overtime interview he did with Anderson Cooper. He's just the type who was too content to sit on his fat ass and procrastinate.


He's not a slacker. He has written at least eight books since 2011's release of "A Dance with Dragons". He's also involved in editing some other things. He knows when the last GOT book is released, people will focus elsewhere which is why he won't release it and instead writes GOT-related books.

I'm assuming he cares enough about the story that he wouldn't want a hack finishing it if he died. If he died tomorrow, his family would "discover" the manuscripts for the last two books in a vault.


That's just you wishfully projecting, not fact.

Your stated reasons for why he would not publish two books he had already finished just isn't compelling or remotely believable.


He's a proven liar. He told the fans all through the fall of 2015 that he was on pace to finish the book by New Years 2016. Then said he missed the deadline. People figured that mean months before, but it's been over three years since then and he still hasn't finished the book. Even with hundreds of pages leftover. Meaning he was never close at the time and was lying the whole time.


slacker = a person who avoids work. The guy is obviously working therefore he's not a slacker. He's just not working on what you want.

Not wishfully projecting because I don't care. I actually believe he's brilliant if that's what he's doing since it means more money for him and continued anticipation and interest from his fans.


Fantasizing he'd have completed manuscripts in a vault if he died is you wishfully projecting. Denying it won't make it any less obvious that you do care. A failure to prioritize, blow past personal deadlines, and habitual procrastination doing other things while unable to get even one book completed during the entirety of the show's 9 year run proves he's lost his edge. You're just in too much denial to be able to confront this truth.


If he hadn't written anything, then I would agree. How do you explain that he's written numerous GOT-related books since his last installment?

"...according to Martin, the endings won’t differ all that much... “I don’t think Dan and Dave’s ending is gonna be that different from my ending because of the conversations we did have...”

I'm very slooooowly reading the second book which I started in early 2018. It'll be years before I'm up to the missing installments therefore I don't care.


Apparently you're not aware age, wealth, and fame have a way of turning some people soft to where they lose their edge. GRRM is one of those slackers who apparently lost his drive to complete what he started after the show immortalized his place in popular culture. You can't argue with his track record of 9 years of false promises and inertia.

"How do you explain that he's written numerous GOT-related books since his last installment?"

Once again, I explain it as a failure to prioritize, blow past personal deadlines, and habitual procrastination doing other things while unable to get even one book completed during the entirety of the show's 9 year run proves he's lost his edge.

And you obviously care or you wouldn't be arguing the point.


I'd have to be a fan to care. Maybe he thinks the so-called fans will whine and turn on him the way George Lucas was attacked with the prequels therefore the books will be released posthumously. Meanwhile, he makes plenty of money releasing GOT-related books which make many fans happy.

I haven't been paying attention for nine years re: him or his books. I just started watching the show around 5 years ago and reading the books two years ago.

He appears more grifter than slacker.



I'm excited about it myself so for at least the next month and a half I will not let the naysayers rob me of that ..
The most predictable conclusion I've come to is that many will die..Few will survive.


I'm not going to rob you of anything. Enjoy!

I'm sure I'll eventually join the bandwagon once the season starts rolling.
