Best Episode Yet?



No. Hardhome was better. Barely could see what was going on.


Just too dark literally. I felt like something was wrong with my TV.


Same here. Could barely see any wights.


I saw the preview for next week and said wow they actually have daylight so we can see


that was back when the Night King was cool -- not like this weenie.


so true


Absolutely not. The ending was horrible. Why didn't the Night King raise the dead in the middle of the battle?

It would have been awesome to see undead Dothraki and horses charging at Winterfell.

And all of our favorite heroes are still alive. Only the ones we can do without perished.


Not as many people died as I thought. Jamie, Brienne, Hound, Sam, all should be dead.


If you like being riveted to your TV, then I'd say yes. Tonight's episode was the most riveting by far for me...almost TOO intense.
People might not have liked how it turned out, how dark it was or whatever, but I bet they weren't distracted by much throughout. This was some gripping shit right here...and if being fully entranced by your TV for an hour or so isn't entertainment, then I'm not sure what is!
While I think its in the running for the best episode, its also not one that I'd pick to watch again. A little too much, this one.


I totally agree with your assessment.
I remained on the edge of my seat throughout and, at times. found it almost too intense.
It has its flaws..sure...but to deny its intensity is disingenuous.


It was terrible. As a battle it was rubbish, let alone the story implications. NONE of the main characters died the entire battle except Theon and what'shisname who were just filler characters. fml they're ruined this show


Not even close.
