Silly whining

So many so-called fans complaining about the final season. Shows again what a miserable place the interweb is. I think they've done a great job so far. Looking forward to the final episodes, although I'm afraid they can't possibly wrap everything up properly.


The problem for me is the pacing..They've started having the plot move the characters instead of the characters moving the plot.


"So called fans" have invested a lot of years on the books which will never be finished and then 8 more years on the show which now has a botched ending.

Yeah, let's all rejoice and not be disappointed.


I agree with you on the „so called fan“ thing.
Nobody has the right to judge - there are people who say you are not a fan if you continue to like this show and it doesn’t do it justice, others say you are not a real fan if you are disappointed in where it went. Stupid...both can be fans and voice their opinion (but I agree with the OP that all the whining is annoying- there is a difference between constructive criticism and rantings).
But on your other point: It’s just 5 books, you can read them in a few weeks tops - and max 10 episodes per year. It’s not that much time invested unless you write the books or work on the show (or can’t stop thinking about it for 8 years straight).
There never is a guarantee that things will go the way we want them to go in series’s (books or TV) - best thing to do is to just move on to other books/shows if it gets that bad that you cannot enjoy it anymore.


Stop whining ..


I guess my annoyance this season was the cutting of the camera everytime one of the major characters was in trouble during the Battle of Winterfell. A character was surrounded by like 5-10 zombies about to die, the camera zooms in as they scream in agony, and then it cuts away. Then the camera comes back minutes later and our favorite character is fine.

They never reveal in the battle how anyone gets out of trouble, over and over again. I only noticed that in my second viewing.


I agree for the most part.
I mean, I don’t have a problem people discussing plots, or character changes, the episodes and creative differences etc - even voicing disappointments (personally, I also think it’s a shame that they rush everything now, but who knows, maybe they had to because of contracts, actors wanting to move on etc).
But continually whining? If I would start to dislike a show that much I’d just quit watching it.
And people saying that “they invested so much time into the books and show”... - WHAT? It’s five books...even if you are a slow reader and have a busy life, you can finish them in what - 1-2 month max? And with the show, it’s one episode per week for 7-10 weeks out of a year. So unless you wrote the books or worked on the show you don’t have “that much time invested”...
There are tons of really good (and finished) books/series out there... just move on


they were never going to make everyone happy. the show has continued to be very good. it was never perfect, so don't expect the final season to be. still way better than most of the dreck out there.


If you enjoy this trainwreck, you're not a real fan. You're a simpleminded sheep that will eat up whatever shit these two writers will serve to you. You dont know the first thing about what a fan is. You're a simpleton. Easy tonpleasr and lacking in substance. I envy you. Life would be much more fulfilling if it didnt take anything to entertain me.


I think they've done a great job so far.
Well you're dumb then, and don't know much about storytelling.
