Naked girl in episode 7

Was just rewatching the first season of game of thrones, and they showed like a 7 year old girl’s naked ass in episode "you live or you die". How did they get away with it. Shouldn’t that not be allowed?


Write a letter!


Who do I send it to?


Does it matter?


Well really, why suggest it then. I can see you don't take this seriously.


If it wasn't sexual in nature, then there's nothing wrong with it.

I don't remember that scene at all, and nobody else complained about it since the episode aired, so clearly it wasn't a problem.


How do you know it wasn't sexual? You don't know intent of writers, director etc You don't know how many takes they could have made of the scene, kept in someone's private vault.
And it took place outside a brothel to boot


How do you know it was sexual? You don't know the intent of the writers and directors either.

The only one focusing intently on a little girl's butt is you. Ever thought that maybe you're the problem?


Tell me a good reason why the writers/director needed to frame a shot of a little girls naked butt. How it was necessary to the plot.


There's lots of things that weren't necessary to the plot. They're just details that artists add because they wanted to. Usually they add more to the world to make it feel less superficial and hollow. The let you know what the world is like outside of the main plot when the main characters aren't around.

After rewatching the scene myself to see what you were complaining about, it was just women giving children a bath, nothing sexual about it. It was an innocent scene that, funnily enough, occurred outside a brothel where other women were busy going at it. Using deductive reasoning, they were probably bastard children born from whores. The kids were being taken care of while their mothers were making money to provide for them. The caretakers were probably off-duty whores, and likely have no homes to go to; they can't use the brothel because it's currently occupied, so they had to bathe the kids outside.
The writers bothered to go beyond just sex appeal and show that there's more to a whore's life than just sex. They can get pregnant, and they can have kids that need tending to, which is quite realistic.

See what I did there? I made an objective analysis using the context provided to me. You, on the other hand, are making a big deal out a single detail, and making problems where there were none.


Woah there, I didn't come here to read a novel.
And all of that could have been accomplished without actually showing a little girl stripping naked with the camera focused on her dead center


The camera wasn’t focused on her dead center.

The only one focusing on her is you.


It was the centre of the screen, where the viewer would clearly notice it. Deny it all you want.


Should this not be allowed?


A censor bar would show some basic decency. At the least.


I guess if your lots were power the only thing allowed would be Disney content. And news? Certainly not PG enough.


News is bad enough without having to spread nudes of a kid around
