Some people so dumb it hurts.

One thing that consistently bothers me more than anything else about this show is the final question. I have seen WAY too many people with 500-2000 dollars decide NOT to go for the final question. It completely astounds me.

Just now I saw Pauley Shore completely make a fool of himself on the show. He ended up with 1000 dollars and had a chance to turn it into 10,000 with the final question. He didn't take it. I mean imo that looks more retarded than missing any other question on the show. If he missed that question he would leave with $250 but if he got it right he'd leave with $10,000. So, lose $750 for a miss, and make $9000 for a correct answer. What kind of idiot doesn't go for that?? And he was playing for a charity too... What an insult to them that he didn't go for it.

The other day I saw a woman end up with $500 and she also DIDNT GO FOR IT. Ok now this one was so stupid it was unbelievable. If you miss the question you still leave with $250 (half of what she had) but if she got it right she could leave with $5000. Would anyone with half a brain cell actually decide not to go for it??? I guess so.

I can maybe understand that these people are so limited in their intellect they can't even figure out that at such a low amount of winnings, going for the final question is the best choice by far... but it still hurts to watch.


Pauly Shore didn't need this show to make a fool of himself. He is already a stupid fool. Him and Governor Bush should get together and go bowling.


by Governor Bush, i'm assuming you mean Jeb Bush....if you are referring to him, i always heard that he was a good governor and was one of the smarter children of the Bush family (definitely smarter than W)...i don't live in Florida so i wouldn't know but i have heard good things about him from people i know down there.


Jeb Bush is a moron.

"That's like putting your whole mouth right in The Dip!" - Seinfeld


Yes, Jeb Bush is a moron... and his name Jeb is his three initials...

Anyway, J.E.B. is a moron but he is still the smartest of the entire clan. :D


very few people seem to go for the final question....i'm not sure if i remember anyone doing it.

