incorrect $1m answer

The show last night asked what element did Marie work with when she coined the word radiation.. The guest answered radium.
Madam Currie worked with pitchblende or uraninite to isolate radium. Therefore she worked with uranium, but also radium was present in the pitchblende. It may have been unknown and unnamed, but it was present nonetheless. Both uranium and radium are correct answers to the question.


I was thinking the same thing.


I agree also. For some reason the 'show' seemed more intelligent in the original format...

the current resident of Our White House has a liberal socialist agenda which is Killing Our Country


The guy was still an idiot to risk $475K on an unknown question.



Here is where FAITH get's in the way of common sense. He had convinced himself that because he had faith he had to go forward and lost nearly 1/2 of a Million Dollars.

It is hard to feel sorry for him.

It is a bit like the moron on Deal or no Deal that got to the end with $1,000,000 and $10 and was offered over $500,000 and decided to go for it.

How GREEDY do you have to be?

The one woman I saw that did win at least was choosing between $1,000,000 and $200,000 or somthing along those lines so if your consolation prize is $200,000 it is worth the risk to get the big pay out but if your second option won't even cover cab fare home, you need to listen to that voice in the back of your head screaming at you to take the money and run.


I was thinking that too, and I thought with today's abundance of social media that this would have went around more. (Maybe I just don't know where to look)

I remember a somewhat similar situation on Greed back in 1999 where a team was asked what the "com" in .com stood for. I believe they said commercial, and the correct answer was Company. This led to a debate online apparently, and so after a few months, they brought the team back again for a new question.

If I recall, there was another incident on Millionaire back in 1999 as well involving the Great Lakes (Which Great Lake was the largest? (Excluding Superior), he did have the correct answer although it was ruled incorrect. About a week later after research they found that his answer was correct and was awarded the question, as this situation shows that there is clearly only one right answer to this case. They brought him back and allowed him to continue playing.

Honestly, I think the fair thing to do here is to offer this contestant a new million dollar question (it can be a different subject) or allow him to keep the $500,000. It is true, the answer to this question is inconclusive it seems. I'm surprised a larger fuss isn't being made of this.


Oh yeah, I totally thought the same thing. I'm not just saying that to seem smart.

"That's like putting your whole mouth right in The Dip!" - Seinfeld


How would have Marie answered the question herself?


It doesn't matter. He is being asked the question based on what we know now.

I suspect there have probably been a few consultations and at the end of the day the only winners will be the lawyers, as usual.
