I know it's been said before . . .

and I don't say this lightly . . .

but some of the people on this show are retarded.
If the question is "What president, in 1863 . . . "
and you're debating Washington vs. Lincoln,
how are you not retarded? Thankfully, she chose the right one.
Or is this is what's called "average intelligence"? 100 IQ?
This woman had a B.A.?



One that fascinated me was the question "Who received the first patent for the telephone in 1876?" The contestant answered "Franklin" and seemed fairly confident in his answer. What I wonder is, did he not realize that Benjamin Franklin was around during the American Revolution? Did he not know that meant he was an adult at least 100 years before 1876? Did he, despite not locking in his answer too quickly, fail to read the question carefully? Did he just make a wild guess and mask it with a facade of confidence? I guess I'll never know.
