What do the kids get?

So, watching this tonight, my parents and I began to wonder what the kids get for being on the show. The obvious answer is money, but is it normal pay like child actors get or is it something like a college fund, which I think is a lot cooler. Anyone know?


Probably SAG scale.


More than likely, which is kind of sad, but also good. Still, a show that's supposed to showcase these kids' intelligence I think should give them something more for their future. Hopefully their parents put away some of their pay for later schooling.


On each season finale, when the current class is retired, each classmate usually receives a scholarship. Not sure how much it is, but when they leave grade school and move on to college and university, that money goes to further their education in the future.

Please let me know if there's some other way we can screw up tonight.
William Shatner, Star Trek 6


Actually only Season 1 kids got scholorships.


they love it

"These men are celibate -- like their fathers, and their fathers before them."


They get milk and cookies.


i'm assuming normal pay...some of them actually are actors....i know Madison was on an episode of Ghost Whisperer and some other shows.
