MovieChat Forums > Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (2007) Discussion > This show makes me want to leave the cou...

This show makes me want to leave the country



Do male turtles lay eggs? Gee, that's a hard one. I mean, to say yes would go against EVERYTHING I HAVE EVER LEARNED, but still ... look at seahorses. They're a turtle. Hmm ... tough call.


That contestant was the cockiest, stupidest person I've seen in a long time. It was painful to watch him self-destruct. One bad choice after another.


Tell me about it. The only question where I could see him legitimately getting mixed up on was the Conqustador question. I'm only a year younger than he is, and I thought back to every history class I ever took and I noticed that Central and South America was ALWAYS left out. The focus was always on Europe or Asia (and obviously the U.S. during the American history courses). Even when we did talk about the exploration of the New World, it was very English-centric and only focused on the areas that the English colonized (i.e. the U.S. and Canada). Never did we learn about the Portuguese, French OR Spanish experiences in the New World (which is when one WOULD have learned about Pizarro or Cortez).

The mark of my Deity shall scar thy DNA.


i learned about, although very little about the Spanish experience in the NEw World...nothing about the French but your right it mostly revolved around England....although in 4th grade, New York State History was part of my curriculum so we learned about Henry Hudson and the Dutch....i don't know about other states, but New York public schools don't seem to teach local history too much which is a shame. i went to Catholic school so we did spend a little bit of time away from the textbook to do some New York State history...i graduated college already and being that i live very close Francis Lewis Blvd in Queens, i decided to look up who Francis Lewis was because it sparked my curiosity...i found out that he represented my area in the Continental Congress and signed the Declaration of is for this reason that i always believed that education should always be controlled by local governments and the feds should just stay (aka get rid of the Dept of Education)....sorry if i got too political!


Stay where you are.

US-Americans are not welcome anywhere.

"These men are celibate -- like their fathers, and their fathers before them."


Might want to go to Egypt. Especially with the President finally getting the message and resigning.
