Where are the older posts?

Some boards have posts going back years. I myself did several here in '08 and '09. Where are they? And...there were many more in general at one time. Many interesting threads.

I bring this up specifically because this adorable movie is playing every day now on the TV Guide channel. People seeing it for the first time would benefit from these many earlier threads.

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That's a really good question and I was wondering that myself! There's only about a page of threads and I wanted more insight on what others thought on the film :(


IMDB cuts older posts to save on bandwidth and server space. I'm not sure how they decide it, but older, inactive projects end up with a page or two of posts, though it seems to be a bit arbitrary, depending on who's doing the pruning.

Innsmouth Free Press http://www.innsmouthfreepress.com


Let's be clear (and bump this thread) that IMDB cuts older posts because they think it saves them server space. It has nothing to do with transport ("bandwidth") costs, and in fact just wastes processing power as we re-ask the same info hashed out before, and looses information just for us but for them.

Big data and the long tail (a site that covers 100% of film, tv, etc. not the top hits only) means believing data is valuable. IMDB is stupid. Find anyone else like this who does anything like that. I dare you. Does Amazon delete old reviews?


"IMDB is stupid." Truer words were never spoken, I suppose by now everyone knows that IMDB removed all the forum posts, now the individual movie pages load slowly and have full page ads, some never load at all, they are a joke. Lucky to find moviechat I suppose and see the relics that remain from decades of intelligent film discussion.
