MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Justice Leage at 48% based on 44 reviews...

Justice Leage at 48% based on 44 reviews on RT

Although the score won't be revealed till Thursday evening, the Flickster app [associated with RT] divulged the RT score before hiding it again.



...because the critics rating isn't LOW enough to accurately represent this turdfest.


I am the fool for Christ, the Paraclete of Caborca! I prophecied a dismal opening weekend and terrible reviews for Justice League. Now my prophecy is coming true! Hallelujah!


That's quite an improvement over BvS and SS.


it is.


That's quite an improvement over BvS and SS.


what do you mean by this ^?

reply's a lot higher than BvS and SS's tomato score?


I know, I was just kinda shocked that you stated it like its a good thing....

I just find it quite ODD and kinda SAD....that you actually can find GOOD in A 44% RT score...

at a time when you should be angry and upset that WB and Snyder once again couldn't make a decent movie....Yet here you are impossibly trying to spin a 44% RT into a good thing by hilariously and embarrassingly trying suggest its a improvement....

why aren't you upset?

WB and Snyder didn't just mess up....they Messed up 2 "ONCE in a lifetime" movies...BvS and JL truly are movies fans have been waiting their whole lives can't reboot these movies, You only get them ONCE....and they completely SHIT the bed...but hey at least JL isn't quite as awful as BvS right? I mean thats clearly what your saying..."at Least JL is Just Bad and is getting a 44% on RT instead of being truly awful and getting a 27%"

lol You should be upset, you shouldn't be defending DC at all cost.

I'm a fan of both DC and Marvel....It literally angers the hell out of me that WB let Snyder destroy 2 movies as Epic as BvS and JL....

I'm a huge fan of the MCU films, but I dont defend them at all costs when they let me down....I loved The Avengers, Its my favorite CBM ever....there are no words to describe how excited I was for Age Of Ultron, But AOU was awful....IMO its the most disappointing CBM of all time....but I dont relentlessly defend the movie because I'm a Marvel fan, It angers me that Whedon Screwed up the movie that badly....

BvS was by far my most anticipated movie of 2016 and probably my 2nd most anticipated movie of all time(I was actually a fan of Snyders going into BvS and liked most of his movies before BvS) I was literally shell shocked sitting in theaters watching that movie, I almost could not comprehend what I was watching, I literally could not believe just how awful it was....

continues in next reply


I could not believe that Snyder and WB could fail that badly with a movie as BIG and as Important as BvS....

I was anger, I did not relentless defend a movie that I knew was awful, I didn't look for the 1 good thing in an awful movie....

Literally from the second BvS ended, I lost all hope for long as Snyder was directing JL, JL was doomed....and the reason why is....BvS was a big as it gets, that movie was as HYPED as any movie ever, It was truly a once in a lifetime movie, and If Snyder could do any better, he would have, BvS truly was the best Snyder could do, movies dont come any bigger or more important and Snyder Literally failed as Badly as you can possibly fail.....

and yet somehow despite Universally Hatred and Disappointing Box office results, somehow WB lets this man direct JL....

and now We get the same result....

again I ask why aren't you angry? how can you honestly sit here say "hey least its an improvement over BvS and SS"

BvS and SS were as bad as you can possibly get....they are 2 of the worst reviewed CBM's of all time....

A Small improvement over Awful movies still Equals a BAD MOVIE!

We deserve better....Instead we got 2 Awful movies made by the same director that failed on an almost never before seen scale.

you be happy with an Awful BvS and Bad JL movie....Me, I'm gonna be angry....


Well, despite the fact that BVS was a mess of a movie (and I'm being charitable with that critique), I'm likely going to give Justice League a look tonight when I head to the theater. I honestly have gotten to the point where I don't think WB cares so much about good DC movies as they care about toy marketing. Oh well!

Currently JL is sitting at 39% on RT and has a 47 (was 50 earlier) on MC.

It doesn't bode well. :(


Sigh... down to 38% on RT now. I don't know as of now, whether I want to see this or not.

Dang it! How hard is it to take beloved characters that people know and build a good story around them?!? Come on, WB!


I agree with your thoughts totally. Age Of Ultron was certainly a bust. You could tell that it was put back together after Whedon initially messed it up trying to make his own vision, instead of following the MCU formula. It wasn't a terrible movie but it certainly wasn't good either. Mediocre is the term that comes to mind. This is the sole reason he got fired (yes, he was fired by Marvel) and Kevin Feige set him straight that the characters and their stories DIDN'T belong to Josh freaking Whedon but to Marvel.

That's the problem with guys like Whedon and Snyder. They consider themselves "artists" and that's fine and dandy when you're splattering paint all over a blank canvas that you own, however when you're firing paintballs at properties considered to be masterpieces by their fans (Marvel and DC) you're messing with something that is already established art. Whedon would put a low-cut dress on the Mona Lisa and Snyder would make the background behind her look like the Earth was burning.

I'll give Whedon props for ONE great MCU movie and no props for a middling-to-lousy second MCU movie. He's kind of lost his shine to me. As for Snyder, he's more of a visuals guy than a storyteller and he wanted to see Batman in prison and being rapped. What kind of screwball like that was EVER allowed to be the visionary for the DCEU?!?

Keep both those ego-driven "artists" away from both franchises. That's my take on it!
