MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > A few suggestions to Warner Bros regardi...

A few suggestions to Warner Bros regarding DC movies, going foward.

So here's the thing. Right now, JL is getting drubbed by the critics and a lot of fans online. They are disappointed. They are angry. They are deflated and rightfully so.

Given the track record of recent DC films, perhaps these suggestions on upcoming projects will enlighten them to vigorously change course. Of course, these are just mine and I'm ready to read more, so pile on!

1. Stories come first - this means good writing and good story telling. This comes FIRST, before all else, including which characters you put in a movie.
2. Quit horning in big name characters to shore up weak projects - I'm sorry but whoever is thinking that Black Adams in a Suicide Squad 2 is a good idea, that person needs to be assigned a different project. Put Adam in a SHAZAM movie. Now that makes sense.
3. Get competent directors - Where there's a Nolan, there's other exceptional directors with a similar pedigree. You have to find them, not just go with the flavor of the moment (see Zack Snyder).
4. Look to the actual comic book people for ideas - Don't just throw a myriad of ideas at a dry erase board and build a script that way. Use the resource of all the talented people who already know these characters and write stories for them.
5. LISTEN TO THE FANS - this should be the first thing WB does when it floats a movie idea. I'm sorry but a Joker origin movie? Who's clamoring for that one? Most fans love the mystery of who the Joker is and from whence he came. Leave us our mystery before another iconic character is ruined the way the Star Wars prequels ruined Darth Vader.
6. Quit doing things reflexively because of the competition - Just because Marvel movies are "light and fun" doesn't mean you have to go the opposite direction and do "dark and bleak." You talk about not copying Marvel, yet by that very attitude you've boxed yourself into a corner where dourness and darkness are now the hallmarks of your movies. And you're actually letting Marvel control what you do by reacting to what they are doing. That's dumb!! Why not take what they do good and (brainstorm here) DO IT BETTER?
7. Have an overarching plan - stop it with cobbling together movies that have some different stylistic elements and don't seem to belong in the same universe (example - BVS and Suicide Squad). Appoint your own version of Kevin Feige to oversee these movies and make sure they are headed in a specific directions. Enough with the "hit and miss" approach.

Those are my 7 suggestions to Warner Bros to save the future of DC movies. What are yours?


Im going to wait till I see it, because it seems like the critics have it wrong and audiences like it. Critics can be really dumb about movies like this.

If it is bad though I would blame the writer Terrio. Bring everybody else back, bring Snyder back, but get a new writer.


I just have one:

Sell it to Disney


My suggestion:

Stop doing DC Cinematic Universe. It doesn't work. Disney/Marvel already did it. Nobody cares about the second man on the moon.

Keep doing what you do best. Making new single superhero stories (e.g., Wonder Woman) not connected to anything else.

Do alternate version of your characters. What made Batman and Joker so interesting is that they can be intepreted as many different version. Each is unique and feel fresh every time: Keaton's Batman, Bale's Batman, Affleck's Batman. So hype! This is what casual moviegoers (read: money) like.

Btw, Gadot's Wonder Woman is a new intepretation of Wonder Woman. See? It works! A cinematic universe ruins this because then when these different versions meet it's a mish-mash of styles and clashing tones.

Enough with this confused characterization of Cavill's Superman. Whether make him beloved boy-scout Superman (Reeves-style) or Injustice hard-boiled Superman. Nobody can do boy-scout Supes better than Reeves anyway (see: Brandon Routh), so Injustice Superman it is.

Give people new take on the characters. Do not recycle them.

Stop doing supernatural and overpowered ridiculous villains: Enchantress, Doomsday, Ares, not even Darkseid. They suck. They all suck (see: X-Men Apocalypse).

Give us more human villains, but other than Joker please, he's good but he's done. Harley Quinn is the best thing happened in Suicide Squad. Deathstroke looks like a wise choice. Or maybe Manchester Black.

There. Good luck DC!


My suggestion would be to get a Kevin Fiege of your own. He is the key as to why the MCU works so well.


I agree 100%
