MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Justice League Fails to Beat Thor Ragnar...

Justice League Fails to Beat Thor Ragnarok


What... an... embarrassment.


A Sub 100 Million dollar Opening....

ONLY Snyder could destroy a movie a brand like this....

I'm not kidding, if anytime in the last 3 years someone tried to tell a JL movie could open below 100 Million, I literally could not comprehend it.....

If someone in January of 2016(Before BvS came out and before the reviews hit) told me, "I'm from the future, JL Will make less than 100 Million on OW".....and I literally could not think of or envision a scenario where that could actually happen....I just couldn't Picture anything that could go so disastrously wrong that could result in such an absurdly Low opening...

and Thor 3 is just adding insult to injury...I mean JL flopping is bad enough ....But having your Ultimate Rival Marvel releasing A Superhero movie at the exact same time, which feature A B list character and have that movie literally DESTROY JL in every way possible....well its just the ultimate embarrassment


And Sad Affleck wanting to bail out of it too.


Yes saw the movie makes sense why Affleck wants to bail out


can you blame him? I would probably do the same. Working for the DCEU must be quite the chore.


Why the fuck is Warner so infatuated with this Snyder HACK?! His track record is TERRIBLE.


I honestly liked man of steel and some of his earlier work like 300 and watchmen.

Other than that he really messed up BvS and sucker punch was a joke. It’s time for him to retire, they also need new writers


Watchmen had the perfect vibe to it. But that's it. That sort of vibe worked for Watchmen, not for the rest [although it did make the movie drag a lot]


Who knows... maybe they wanted to use him as a standard.


I'm not kidding, if anytime in the last 3 years someone tried to tell a JL movie could open below 100 Million, I literally could not comprehend it.....

I would have told you that in 2013, if you told me Hack Snyder was the one directing it.
