MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > 6 things that can’t be forgiven about th...

6 things that can’t be forgiven about this movie

I saw this Friday night and while it was better than both the “green lantern level” BvS and the horrible Suicide Squad and it tried to fix some of the things BvS messed up, it still wasn’t enough and the movie still sucked horribly and is even a bit of a joke to see. I honestly plan on going on Tuesday again just to go with some friends who want to laugh at it, it’s in “so bad it’s good” territory, while BvS is just “so bad it needs to die”

There are 6 things I just cant get out of my head after watching this movie

Let’s get the first two out of the way, Steppenwolf and Cyborg, just.... what the actual fu#%?

Steppenwolf was a villain in the level of Ivan Ooze in the power rangers, at least they used costumes there, not cgi, so technically the power ranger villains look better. Steppenwolf is the worst villain I’ve seen in comic book movie history except fore those movies that had some weird villain that was just a cloud or some cgi mess, like HULK or Galactus in Fantastic Four 2. Even then, I think Steppenwolf is worse.

Cyborg... sure we needed a black, cgi, iron man copy in this team, ok. And the CGI sucked, he moved worse than robocop and that movie was made like two centuries ago.

And here we get to the other 4 things I just cant get out of my head and these ones really bugle my mind.

The mustache, wtf :(. I dont even have words for this.

The environment in the final act, the cgi looked unfinished, it looked right out of a cartoon, when Superman is flying to save some people and flash running beside him, some purple tentacle things start popping out of the ground and it looked like what you would see in a direct to video movie, how the hell can they not have the budget to make this look good, seriously?

And two more that are just personal gripes.

When Superman has just been resurrected and he is facing all the justice league, cyborgs armor stupidly starts to react and attacks Superman. Then right before Superman is going to attack, Wonder Woman goes “ Kal El, nooooo!!!”

I am a 37 year old male, I’ve seen my fair share of porn, yet this is easily some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen in my life. I liked the WW movie, I thought Gadot had some decent lines, obviously some bad scenes as she is not a very good actress but this “kal el no!” crap made me feel embarrassed in the theater, I almost had to look away.

And then the last one, when Superman arrives to save the day at the end and everyone’s face is like “yeahhh!!!!” They show Batman hanging from some wall and the smile in his face is the dumbest most hilarious thing in the DCEU, this is the dark killer from BvS and now his bottoxed, puffy face is smiling in the weirdest most creepy way I’ve seen, almost like he just found out he is getting an xbox for christmas or something... why cant they just reshoot this!

That’s all
