Ruining a franchise

The DC universe has had some big ups and downs in the movie industry, but it seems like this franchise is never going to be better than mediocre. The directors of these films have decided to completely disregard all fan feedback and continue to deliver the same brooding mess as the last 3 films. They picked a HORRIBLE Lex Luthor. They ruined Doomsday as a character. While Gal Gadot is likeable, she IS NOT Wonder Woman, who instead should be a larger, more buxom woman. Superman should not be this brooding depressed jackass, he's supposed to be a literal symbol of hope and positivity and determination. Aquaman is supposed to be a blonde guy. Ben Affleck's Bruce Wayne/Batman does not come off as intensly intelligent as we've come to expect from Batman. They are ruining all of our beloved characters. At this point any additional movies are to squeeze as much money out of this franchise as possible and then reboot it in a few years.


Wow. What a whiny, little bitch lol.


You're thinking of your mom, faggot.


So youre whiny and a bigot, good to know.


You must be his boyfriend.


I dont know about the rest of you, but all of this talk is turning me on


Yup, must be. Couldnt possibly be that youre just a dick. Couldnt be that at all.


I'm not a dick. But you're certainly acting like a little gay boy. I'll give you a hint, stop acting like a punk.


lol dick.


because he has an opinion?

At least he has one and isn't a blind sheep fanboy.


No, but he is someone who thinks there is only one legitimate way to represent these characters, which is mighty odd given how many different times they've been reimagined. Good thing not everybody thinks that way, or we might still be stuck with campy Adam West Batman.


I bet you wouldn't say that if WB decided to make a black Batman, an Indian Superman, an obese millenial feminazi Green Lantern, etc.

Batman has always been cringe worthy campy, to be honest.


Thanks. It's like they can't take criticism of this particular franchise or it hurts their feelings. If I say Wonder Woman shouldn't be a skinny runway model then they lose their shit. But if Wonder Woman was portrayed as a 4 1/2 foot obese Mexican woman they would be bitching. We just have different lines on where we like the characters to be portrayed.


Were you aware of the bitching the SJWs did because Gal Gadot shaved her armpits? It goes THAT FAR!


I haven't even seen the film. I am not a fanboy, hardly even a fan of superhero films lol.
I just happened to notice that you were whining like a bitch....And if anyone seems like a fanboy it's you....Obviously. I mean, you are the one whining that the film didn't turn out how you wanted it to.....Because you are a fanboy.


"I haven't even seen the film"

Then you have nothing to say. Begone.

"I am not a fanboy"

I say you are a troll.

"I just happened to notice that you were whining like a bitch"

A troll confirmed. And a a stalker.


Yes, it's obvious you are indeed a troll and a stalker. And not a bright one either.

"I mean"

You do?

"you are the one whining that the film didn't turn out how you wanted it to"

That's called "expectations". I know... mind blowing right?

"Because you are a fanboy"

Beats the crap out of being a troll and a stalker.


Sorry, sir no one is stalking your boring ass.
I mean, I could understand you calling me stalker if I had gone around and deliberately replied to all of your posts just to troll you.....But I just commented on one post and just from that......"Stalker" lol?
So, is everyone else here who replied is a stalker too?
And I guess whenever you reply to someone else's post its because you are a stalker too?
Seriously, just take a few minutes to think through your reply before you hit 'send' Ok? Cool.
And remember....You are triggered because a stranger on the net, accused SOMEONE ELSE of whining LOL. Just think about that for a little if you can...
If I were you, I'd just accept that fact that someone insulted someone online and carry on with my day, you pathetic, little snowflake.



You said something?




I didn't think so


"Too long, didn't read"
Seriously? lol You need an abbreviation for that? Why didn't you just type it?
Fucking millennials...
You can't argue with a kid online, because if you type more than 2 sentences, they just don't read it.
N then you try and act like I am stupid for not being familiar with your gay little saying? LOL

My comment was shorter than yours, you freaking moron.

You: Oh no...He may of said something that proves me wrong or hurts my feelings....I know I just wont read it.

Yeah, that is you, you little douche.



You said something?


Yep, exactly.


0.2 for your trolling skills


Sweet of you to add the .2




Why are you putting words in my mouth? I certainly think characters can be portrayed in different ways. I'm simply showing my opinion that I don't like how the characters have been portrayed in this franchise.


No, because he is whining like a bitch? Not rocket science, kid.


The only idiot whining here is you.

Whining because someone has a different opinion than you. So edgy... don't cut yourself on that edge.



I haven't seen the film therefore I have no opinion on it yet

Proof of idiocy right there. Hasn't seen it, but complains other people has opinions on it.

The only point I was making is that the OP sounded like a whiny, little fag in his post

Remember folk: he hasn't seen it

you sound like a triggered, little turd, probably the OP's boyfriend.

I give you 1 out of 10 trolling points

Getting offended on behalf of someone else lol what a sad cunt.

Said the moron who is offended people have opinions.

Can't wait for your brain melt. :D



Ugh, you reported me, what a snowflake LOL.

Fuck it, I'll make it brief...

"Said the moron who is offended people have opinions."
Were you dropped as a baby a lot by any chance?
I don't care about yours or the OP's opinion....I haven't even seen the film lol.

"Remember folk: he hasn't seen it" See, you know I've not seen the film so why would I care about his opinion? And what difference does it make?
Because I haven't seen the film that means I can't call someone out for whining about it?
Whatever I think about it, you wont find me whining about it on the internet.
Because when I see a film I don't like, I just move on instead of crying about it to strangers on the net.

You 2 fags were whining like little girls simply because something didn't go your way lol No quite literally! Not even about important things like the writing or cinematography....But about how little things about the characters were changed, or things from the comic changed, God you sound like right dorks lol.
"They are ruining our beloved characters!" Dude sounds like a cartoon lol!

I called you out on it..... Deal with it ;-)


No. I don't report people. No matter how much of a pussy they are. It delights me to see you having a meltdown. It's rather entertaining.


Okay, you're pretty boring.
That was your whole response? Have you ever written more than one paragraph in your whole life?
You have to be the shittest person I've ever trolled. What's the point?


I give you 0.5 points for your trolling skills.


Saving Gadot (who I think captures the character of WW), I'm in favor of rebooting the whole series and using the first WW movie as a starting point.
WB can salvage this, if they appoint a titular head over their DC movies. They next should search multiple story ideas and encourage creativity, imagination in those stories. Don't tell me they don't have the writers. Look at how good the animated JLA and Batman shows have been.
WB has to be serious though and understand that sitting on a goldmine and how you mine the goldmine are different things. They need to be maximizing the potential of DC comics, not just saying "go with it" to any slapdash story for the sake of putting these iconic characters on the screen.


I didn't like WW. But Gadot is fine in that role. She needs to work on her acting skills though.


Yes, you did you fucking loved Wonder Woman! Why are you lying?




I agree......Your replies are very boring.
I watched the film BTW......Can I call you a whiny bitch now?


Bad troll! Bad troll!


I liked Wonder Woman a lot, with the exception of the generic end fight. And even that wasn't bad it was just....generic. Plus, any movie that kills Chris Pine gets a thumbs up from me. no reason, just like watching it happen. Like that Contagion movie. It was okay, but it killed Gwyneth Paltrow AND Kate Winslet, so two thumbs up from me!


DC animated movies are considered good because they are animations made for DVD. They held at different standards because of budget and other constraints.

Suicide Squad level of script quality would be sufficient for a animated movie with a shoestring budget. Audience wouldn't mind it too much. If something is slightly better written than a saturday morning cartoon then it's good enough.
