MovieChat Forums > Justice League (2017) Discussion > Was hiding Superman from promos a bad id...

Was hiding Superman from promos a bad idea in retrospect?

It’s not like anyone actually thought he was dead forever! I think he is a good mascot for the league, and without his image it falls to Batman, who not being a supernatural hero, is a weak leader.


even Superman's mustache DEMANDED to be hidden from the movie.


You know I didn't even notice this, but after having searched it online I can see how bad it is. I can't believe that they decided that airbrushing a moustache out was a good idea. I also don't believe it cost 25 million to do this. Surely that is a lie. They can't afford to pay Gal Gadot more than $300,000 for Wonder Woman yet blow 25 million on airbrushing? It can't be true.


The VFX department is very expensive. It's a pain in the ass to make every single frame as fluid and seamless as if the stache was never there in the first place. Takes many man hours and a true sense of artistic realism from the VFX artists.

The result was pretty bad. Maybe the studio itself didn't want to blow more money on it [understandably].


Given that he was a reanimated corpse I just thought his altered appearance was intentional.


nah, it was just bad


I'd say trying to hide his tash in the long term could prove much more damaging!


I didn't see this movie cause I gave ZERO shits about a Justice League film without Superman, and the trailers looked like he would only appear in the last five minutes, even though most of us were hoping it was Green Lantern. Come to learn he plays a big role, but it's terrible, so I still haven't seen it. So yeah. 100 percent lack of Superman kept me from spending a dime on this shit show. I never saw Rogue One cause I was so disgusted by the "I rebel" line which apparently wan't even in the film. They need to learn to market the product they have.


Maybe you are unto something because they released a new poster that features Superman.,


If they thought that there would be hype with the mystery man Alfred addresses with "I wondering when you'd show up" (or whatever he says) I think they thought wrong. Thor Ragnarok got their promos right by revealing that Hulk is in it. Why not? It brings in Hulk fans.

And he plans a pretty prominent role. It's not like Blade Runner 2049 that made me think that it was a duo movie with Gosling and Ford (instead of Ford being a 3rd act arrival, leaving audiences to spend the first hour wondering when he'd show.)


They had a campaign of Unite the Seven that was supposedly place holders for Supes and GL of which neither was on the cover and GL never made even a cameo in the final cut.

Since then WB has said that the Unite the Seven had nothing to do with the team. Really? That's odd?!! : and this is why their efforts have failed to yield positive box office results.
