A pleasant surprise.

I just saw the film and was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting a pile of crap like Avengers - thinking it would be all sfx action and little story. Yet, there actually was a story here - much better told than the one in avengers.

At the end of the day, the one movie to which this one should be compared with is Avengers - and that movie I had to fast-forward 50% of the time, there was so little story there that it's not even funny. This one? I fast-forwarded 5% of the film.
Keep in mind, I despise batman films - so again, I was pleasantly surprised with how much I liked this film, despite batman being one of the characters - perhaps it's because batman really did seem like a human here - being overpowered by pretty much everyone throughout the film.

Having said that - the ratings for this film are dismal - while the ratings for the avengers crap are at Godfather level. Go figure.

I'm thinking it's just another sign that my taste in films is no longer aligned with the vast majority of viewers. C'est la vie.


How do you Fast forward a movie in a theater? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, you're streaming a poor video and audio copy of the movie and then stating that the little story in the Avengers was not to your liking?


I'm thinking it's just another sign that my taste in films is no longer aligned with the vast majority of viewers. C'est la vie.

Is that your opinion or fact?


My taste is in fact my opinion. But yes, I saw it at home - the quality of the video was the same as avengers.


Im thinking you must be a troll. The "story" here was so badly edited even whedon is distancing himself from the studio interference.

But Ill bite, what was so good about the "story"? Did you like the rush job on the new characters? How about the silly mother box mcguffins that had their nature end up on the cutting room floor?

I could go on and on. Theres stuff to like in this movie, but the story???? As for your comparison to the avengers, I think you must be drunk. This was just like the avengers. The "story" was VERY similar.


There were a few bits which did seem off - the main problem being with the superman resurrection bit.
Otherwise, the dialogue bits were more numerous, which led to better character development and story narrative.

At the same time, you're right, we didn't get much of a backstory to Flash/Aquaman.

It's odd - yet, I liked both of the new characters more than the majority of characters in Avengers, despite not having learned their backgrounds. Was it acting? Dialogue? Humor bits (there weren't too many of these)?

In retrospect, what I can say now is that when I saw avengers, I had very high expectations. That movie was ranked extremely high - and still is.

This film had critics all over it - and audience reviews weren't great either, so I saw this film with very low expectations. Perhaps that made the biggest difference?

Furthermore, Avengers - pretty much every Avengers film was much longer, but with the biggest majority of the film being filled with sfx-ridden fights.

I should also say that I thought the wonder woman film didn't impress me - much like batman films. In other words, there were many reasons as to why I should have hated this film much like I did avengers. Especially given that in Avengers, I actually liked the first Thor and first Ironman films - the stories in those films were well told. Avengers? That film I was more disappointed with than anything - it felt like transformers 3 - action, action, action - with minimal dialogue and story/character development.


How much did Warner bros pay you to make this post?


Why so skeptical that someone really liked it? It has 7.4 on imdb and 83% audience score on RT.


the skepticism comes from the "reviewer" saying it has a "story" and that is "very different from Avengers".


It indeed felt different than Avengers, just not necessarily better. Justice League felt more like Fast & Furious actually.

They both start with setting up a mission to save something. Then proceed to gather a team (while Avengers' team is already gathered by an outside agent, Nick Fury). Then they do the said mission while cracking jokes. When done, they became more of a family (while Avengers is more like a football team).

That's the basic plot of almost every Fast & Furious movie. And also Justice League.


Haha - fast and furious is another franchise which I loathe - despite liking the first film.

I find that first films take the time to develop story and characters, but the follow up films focus primarily on action, giving story very limited time to develop.

What was odd to me is that Avengers felt like a sequel in that sense - too many emphasis on action over story.


Because movie studios have losers post positive reviews on horrible movies by paying them in cash or dope....usually by heroin. You can tell that this poster was paid since they don't say anything that they didn't like about the movie. In my review I said it was bad, but I did say what I did like about the movie which was that the flash was funny and that Afflecks batman is slightly better than bales overrated shithead version.


unfortunately, zero :(


"I was expecting a pile of crap like Avengers"

First rule about trolling is actually be good at it?


Just stating my opinion.


as was i
