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List of upcoming films confirmed for the DCEU

WB just revealed their upcoming films for the DCEU

The List is the following:
Wonder Woman sequel
Justice League Dark
Suicide Squad sequel
Green Lantern Corps.
The Batman

Cyborg, Justice League sequel and Suicide Squad spinoffs were not announced, aswell as the Black Adam and Deathstroke films, so it is uncertain if they will be made.


Wonder Woman 2 and Aquaman will be monsters. Suicide Squad, Shazam will be huge...and watch out for Batgirl with Joss Whedon directing.

A hot slate.


LOL. I have to laugh every time you write "huge".




it's not like you have been hitting home runs with your predictions.

I'll give you Shazam, though.


Aquaman will be a monster like WW, I bet.

Two words.. James Wan.

DC will have lots of success with their standalones going forward.


WW was hardly a "monster".


It was the biggest domestic CBM of 2017 at 413 million. It made a profit from domestic alone.


True...domestically it did very well (deservedly so). However, the world does not revolve around domestic gross.

In terms of true gross, it came in fourth to the THIRD Thor movie, the THIRD reboot of Spider-Man (and the sixth Spider-Man movie overall) and a movie starring a raccoon and a baby talking tree.

Wonder Woman. Who should have trounced all of them. And which was, honestly, a great CBM. THAT'S how badly WB is handling things.

But you'll try saying again you're a fan of the MCU.


I am a fan of the MCU and only thought WW was "good" but not "great" and think it's overrated for PC reasons. Still, DC's standalone slate is red hot.


Since you're now qualifying it with "standlaone" (stop tap dancing Fred, you'll get dizzy!) films, that means Man of Steel and Wonder Woman (we'll leave Green Lantern off it even though that WAS supposed to be the start of their extended universe)'s not red-hot. Wonder Woman helped elevate it to....warm. Because MoS was a PoS.


I meant to say I'm a fan of the MCU. I made the appropriate edit


No, you were being honest and got caught out.....


Half of these will never make it to the earliest stages of production.


You are lucky if they even release Aquaman


I guess you havent heard that infinity war 2 was cancelled yet.




What does Infinity War 2 have to do with Aquaman? I mean, sure, if you want to bring up Justice League 2, that would apply...but Infinity War 2? Is WB that desperate they're trying to shoehorn their characters into MCU movies so they can see a profitable movie with their characters?

Oh, that's right...Justice League 2 was shoehorned into Justice League.....


Aquaman is practically completed, and if Justice Leagues reception and Bo-office don't make Aquaman cancel nothing will,


they won't cancel it, but they should.


I agree with you about that, but WB doesn't want to admit defeat so they continue.


they'll still make money out of it. It's too bad they have no respect for the fans and movie goers in general.


Aquaman is a lock because its basically done.
Wonder Woman will be coming.
The Batman eventually likely with new actor and perhaps outside the DCEU.
Flashpoint is the interesting one, do you make it or do you wait and see how Aquaman does?

Shazam I am not so certain since the Rock will not be in it, thus gutting a major reason to see it.

the rest I think will be wait and see.


Wha...? The Rock dropped from Shazam? What a shame. I was really looking forward to it.


He is playing Black Adam and I read they were going to possibly do a separate movie with that character rather than have him be in Shazam.


You know, after looking at this list (I also doubt every single one will be made), there IS a chance DCEU might get away with not rebooting, and can somewhat save this. So I'm changing my mind here. I prefer a reboot, but WB has already invested a lot, started pre-production on many of these, and may want to go head on with what they have.

Wonder Woman the character is becoming like the unexpected Tony Stark of this universe and very well-liked. Keep that momentum going, and make Wonder Woman 2 as amazing as possible. Make the other solo films good too. Cool things off on Justice League. Just keep making excellent solo films, and drop Zack Snyder from the picture. I'm very sorry for his personal loss in the family, but for what we're dealing with here creatively and business-wise, WB needs to take a break on this guy (and he really needs to stop using filters that make his movies look like grungy Tool music videos. Knock it off!)

If Batgirl, WW2, Flashpoint, Aquaman turn out awesome and earn decent profit each time, that will go a long way to winning people back. Do not mention Justice League Dark or JL2 for a long time. You're just going to rush things again, bring back BvS/JL memories, and we're going to see a repeat of what just happened.


The only thing that makes me nervous about NOT rebooting is that, with the exception of Zac Snyder, any additional movies to follow will be the same core group of folks doing the same thing over and over again.

As well received as the Wonder Woman movie was, and I did enjoy the film, we must be honest and admit that, after a wonderful first two-thirds of the movie, the last act devolved into the same dark, grey, colorless battle scenes with generic, uninspired "monsters" to fight, that we've come to expect from the DCEU. It's like they ran out of creative ideas and fell back on what they know best. Even with Snyder gone, without a real shake-up from the top-down, I'm afraid we'll get more scripts by committee and the movies will fail for the same reasons with which we've become far too familiar.

A full reboot and house-cleaning would be the best way to avoid that.

However, if they can move away from the director-centric formula they've followed so far and bring in fresh writers with up and coming directors with unique visions, perhaps you are right and they can save this iteration of the universe. It will entirely come down to making sure the studio heads and big-wigs can keep their noses out of the picture and allow the DCEU to grow organically, instead of being directed by bean counters, that will make or break the upcoming films.
