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BREAKING NEWS Disney Buys FOX Welcome Home X-Men & Fantastic Four

52 billion dollars for the entire Fox assets

"Hollywood is forever changed with this deal"


Poor little DCEU :(


who? :)


F4 is f4il



checks my watch....

Guess what time it is at Marvel Studios?


It's Clobberin' time!! :D


Jesus, 52 Billion, I was expecting something similar to the Marvel deal or Lucas Deal...

I thought Disney was gonna pay like 5 Billion ish

But Looking at the total number of Properties they got, It certainly makes sense why they paid so much more...

I think this is like 80% good +20% bad

The Fantastic Four are finally going to be Produced Right...were going to get some Great FF movies...

I think Most X-Men movies Will be Great

But were not going to get movies like Logan or Deadpool anymore, now even though they are far a few between, with Disney there just not going to happen.'

Deapool will probably get a part 3, and Disney Willl probably even find a way to keep it rated R, but there Will be A LIMIT on it, some Jokes will be off limits and some violence Will be off limits.

overall, Its good, The Majority of X-Men and Fantastic Four movies are going to vastly improve under Disney/Marvel Studios, But the very so often Out of the box CBM like Logan and Deadpool wont exist anymore

I'm also curious to see what happens With DARK Phoenix, I just read an article where they explained why it make sense for Disney just to Cancel the movie, If Dark Phoenix is Sub Par, or is going to damage the brand in any way, It makes zero sense for Disney to release it when They are going to be Rebooting and starting over soon

But I was thinking, this will reveal a lot about what Disney's plan for X-Men are, Because If they go forward with Dark Phoenix and dont cancel, IMO that means they dont really have any plans for The X-Men films anytime soon

I think they'll release Dark Phoenix and not care if its bad or not, Because I think Marvel Studios has a clear out line for movies they are doing for the next 4 years and they aren't going to change that

I think The X-Men will be rebooted and be a part of A Phase 4 Post Avengers 4 MCU after The MCU has massively changed

I dont think Will get an official X-Men film for at least 4 years, Plenty of time between DP and rebooted X-Men


As you said, the X-Men will probably be rebooted and I doubt we will se more Deadpool films because Marvel simply doesn't want to make R-rated films.


"But were not going to get movies like Logan or Deadpool anymore, now even though they are far a few between, with Disney there just not going to happen.'"

I wouldn't rule that out. Deadpool is a money maker for the reasons the movie was presented. I don't think Disney would change that when there's a lot of money to be made with him. Also, they can use other studios to release R-rated movies. I believe it would be Disney's own policy to reduce his bad mouth in crossover movies, but in his own corner they won't change him.

"But I was thinking, this will reveal a lot about what Disney's plan for X-Men are, Because If they go forward with Dark Phoenix and dont cancel, IMO that means they dont really have any plans for The X-Men films anytime soon"

Kevin Feige seems like a very bright guy with plans and back up plans for the back up plans. He surely have already figured out what to do with the incoming characters.
Dark Phoenix sounds more like a "fuck you" swan song than anything else.

"I think The X-Men will be rebooted and be a part of A Phase 4 Post Avengers 4 MCU after The MCU has massively changed"

I surely hope so. Fox time line for the X-men is beyond fucked up and way too confusing. The MCU will reboot the entire thing and introduce them in line with the reality post Avengers 4. It will all depend on what the Avengers 4 movie sets as reality for that universe.

As an example, I read a comment on a Youtube channel from a user who suggested that the Fantastic 4 to be introduced as Shield's employees who are assigned to some mission that goes wrong and end up getting the Avengers Towers as a version of their Baxter Building.

Sounded fair to me.

I also hope they make a proper magic bound Dr. Doom as well. His origin story dwelling on his attempt to save his own mother from hell was a good read back then. And it could also be used as the introduction to Mephisto. Maybe even a crossover with Dr. Strange. But I doubt they'll go that route.


I agree with a lot of your points about this merger. Fantastic Four is now open up to a lot of good potentials, including being a part of Phase 4.

It would be funny to see Captain America's interaction with Merc with a Mouth in a crossover.

As for Deadpool again, according to this article here:

Bob Iger said that Deadpool will remain R-rated. Disney would likely invoke another division they have like Touchstones and Hollywood Pictures to get away with that. I assume the same could be said for other future R-rated properties like Deadpool and Logan.


Yeah, Disney has a lot of maneuvering space to do stuff. I wouldn't worry about it.

ahah Cap America saying LANGUAGE to Deadpool would be awesome :D


I bet the Deadpool movies go on being their own separate thing, except now they can make fun of all Marvel properties, not just Xmen.
