MovieChat Forums > In Her Skin Discussion > Why do fat girls have so many issues?

Why do fat girls have so many issues?

Honestly...I have never meet a chubby girl that isn't a basket case.



Probably because they meet stupid people like you. Stop being a troll, you moron.

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."



At least (s)he went to school whereas you clearly didn't ... You clearly grew up in a pigsty where you weren't taught basic things like manners or being civil.

Sorry. Forgot about Rule #1: Don't feed the trolls ...


I know a skinny chick who recently went to a mental asylum, not sure if that proves anything but yeah :/

I've met people of all sizes with issues...because I think everyone has issues, some people are just better at handling it.

Truly Happy Mondayed.


andromache3....Your spineless, sniveling attitude leads me to believe you are a fat, insecure, bedwetter who has decided to become the online defender of chubby chicks everywhere.

You rode the short bus to school, didn't ya?

I've never wet the bed and I'm pretty secure with myself most of the time.

I didn't realise chubby chicks were less than human. But at least they're not trolls like you.

What's a short bus anyway? Is this in reference to my height or actually riding the bus???????

"When we make mistakes, it's evil. When God makes mistakes, it's nature."



I believe the reference regarding the 'short bus' was a swipe at the bus children with special needs take to school.

So, not only an unfair generalization against 'chubby' chicks (of which the majority of women are according to today's standards), but also a dig at children with special needs.

Real class act.....

11/16/12: The day the Twinkie died :(





It really kind of irks me that people keep trying simply what happened down to size issues. That was only one small part of Caroline's many problems, and it wasn't the ultimate reason for her mental issues, either. It's also completely wrong to generalize all "chubby girls" to be like Caroline. Most of them are not stalking and murdering other innocent women...


Everyone has issues. Everyone has some kind of problem or disappointment. It doesn't matter whats going on on the outside.


send me those girls numbers. I love a woman with curves and I would like to expose them to what a real man is and not someone like you.


I'd be willing to bet you're a real fatty yourself.


I'm going to humor you and give you a serious answer. The reason why a disproportionate amount of overweight women might seem to have psychological issues may be that we live in society that teaches us women that our value lies within how we look, i.e how thin and pretty we are. It can be very traumatizing for some women to feel that they do not fit these ideals and insecurity and self-hate may follow. With those things other issues such as depression, self-mutilation, eating disorders etc may also follow suit.

But part of the explanation can also be that most of the drugs that are used for treating mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety or schizophrenia have been proven to cause in many cases severe weight gain as a side effect. So a lot of the mentally unstable people you have met may have gained weight after they were diagnosed and started on their treatments. I've worked with mentally ill people and seen them gain weight, in some cases pretty rapidly after starting on medical treatment.

That being said I would also like to add that plenty of thin people that also have severe issues mental issues. I feel that on the whole you're just being an *beep* by even posing this question.


Great reply.


This is the truth. I currently take a medication for anxiety that makes me want to eat constantly and I never ever feel full. Every day is a struggle to eat proper foods and not eat everything around...which just causes more anxiety because I'm either focused on making sure I'm not over eating so I won't gain weight or I'm focused on 80 of the thousands of things that is making me anxious. I've been on the medication for almost a year and haven't gained more than 6 pounds, but losing weight is much harder. No matter if I stay within the 1200 - 1300 calorie range, I really just maintain my weight these days and I'm not happy with that. I have to cut down to an unhealthy 800 calories a day to lose weight and that's just too hard.

In my 20's I had to get Lupron Depot shots for 6 months in an attempt to "cure" endometriosis. I can't tell you the weight gain that stuff caused and I didn't change anything in my eating. I filled out like a price winning heffer and it took me forever to lose the weight after I stopped the shots.

Sometimes weight gain IS a medical issue.

I'm erasing you and I'm happy!


One of my friends is overweight and she is farr cooler than any skinny gal I have ever dated.


I am a fat woman but I didn't think the character was fat. I didn't think she was skinny but not fat. I guess I thought she was normal. I always believed there were skinny people, normal people and fat people.
