MovieChat Forums > In Her Skin Discussion > Her punishment should have been…

Her punishment should have been…

My interpertation of the ending was that Rachel in her her eyes was the embodiment of happiness idylic family, perfect love life, prefect body, and talented so when she killed her it was like she killed the concept of happiness and this is only reinforced by sending her to prison which is a breeding ground for misery. In prison she finally feels normal because everyone is just as messed up as her. So IMO her punishment should have been to send her back to HIGH SCHOOL.


You are ridiculous- she murdered a young girl, she should be imprisoned the rest of her life

Do guys like "the thing"?
They like it better than no thing.


I don't believe in keeping mentally ill persons in institutions if they can be rehabilitated after serving their sentences, but if they can't be then I do feel that they should be to protect society. It seems like Caroline could become fixated on someone else judging from the film and the limited information we have. She's happy in prison, but I doubt she will adjust well to the real world when she's released which could bode ill for another possible victim.

"I don't want to make money. I just want to be wonderful."


how bad aussie female prisons are? has she been having good time there?

my vote history:


She should have been hung, obviously. Jesus, people have lost all common sense


what? that nasty, spoiled, self-absorbed and bats#it crazy bitc# should never see the outside of a prison/mental institution padded cell..

the vicious relish and depravity she displayed in murdering that innocent child was nauseating..

fck her..

it wasn't the fall from her 16th-floor penthouse that killed her, it was the landing


She should never get out of prison. She is one of the worst people I've ever seen. Plus she hates the outside world so much that prison is the best place for her anyway.


She was released from prison one year ago:

DEAR MODS: Please reduce my posting quota. 30 minutes is way too much.


It says she's never apologized or shown any remorse. And yet she's released after just 15 years? And they tried to release her after just 13 years. In my opinion, she should serve 25 years minimum....if not life.
