MovieChat Forums > In Her Skin Discussion > Parole hearing postponed to November

Parole hearing postponed to November

Like many people when they first watched the film as I did tonight I wanted to know when and if Caroline would be paroled. I googled and found out her hearing was in August and I was hoping to find an article stating that she had been turned down. Instead I read that, "Following protests by Elizabeth Barber outside the hearings, the parole board postponed Robertson's case "for reassessment" in November." I am hoping they don't let her out in November either.

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The fact that anybody is up for parole for a calculated, brutal, 1st degree murder after 14 years is a joke. There's probably people serviving longer for robbing a bank or tax evasion or drug charges.


there is no logic in sentencing. there are people caught with drugs that get much longer.


It's perfectly logical that a drug sentence would be harsher than a murder of an average citizen. Police and court system are not meant to serve the average citizen.

my vote history:


I understand she was finally released on her actual release date, which was just this previous January.


Spitting in the victim and her family! That's called justice these days. Now this psychopath is unleashed on society once again.
