major plot hole.....

what if the murders continued??


That's not a plot hole, it was by design to let us hang.


no I think the OP is referring to the exact same thing I was saying


The Point of Denzel's character Buying a red hair clip, Is to give Jim convince Jim that Sparma actually was the Killer.

we are expected to believe that Jim can now be happy with his family and not go down the same path of guilt Denzels character did with Jim Believing he didnt kill an innocent man in Sparma


If Leto's character was NOT The Killer.....

Then the real KILLER is going to continue killing...

So Jim is going to be sitting there at home , happy and at peace and then one day soon very ...he gets the call that theres been a Homicide, he goes to the call and instantly recognizes The Killers MO and realizes Sparma wasnt the killer....

The ending only works if Sparma is the KILLER...

Denzel's character sending the red hair clip ONLY works if Sparma is the real Killer.

If Sparma wasnt the Killer....The ending is a plot hole....

The ending only works if Jim actually believes Sparma was the killer and there are NO MORE killing .....If Sparma wasnt the killer, Jim's character WONT find peace from The red hair clip because The real KILLER will continue killing and JIM will know the red hair clip was a fake and Sparma was innocent....

It is a potential plot hole.


sometime the story ends where it needs to end. the story is about denzel's character. what happens to others after is not that important.


sometime the story ends where it needs to end. the story is about denzel's character. what happens to others after is not that important.


I get thats the point of the story....The movie was clearly written to be ambiguous

the problem still remains, The ending does NOT work if Sparma wasnt the Killer....

It is a MAJOR plot HOLE that KILLS the ending if Sparma wasnt the Killer and The murders continue....

for this movie and ending to truly work...The writer needed to write an ending that doesnt potentially contradict itself

The writer wants the audience to feel like John did a great deed by sparing Jim of His Guilt....Joe clearly lost everything over his mistake and is trying to save Jim from the same fate.....But There is this HUGE "what if" hanging over the ending and Joe's good deed...

If Sparma wasnt The KILLER....literally everything Joe did is absolutely POINTLESS because The real Killer will continue killing and JIM will find out and immediately realize Sparma was innocent .....

heres an article Noting the exact same thing I've been saying.....

"Still, there's reason to believe that Jimmy isn't off the hook just yet. If Sparma did do it, the string of murders would come to a stop. If he didn't, then Jimmy must live with the reality that he killed an innocent man, as the murders continue. We may never know the real ending, but that's maybe the motive behind the film. We, too, are left unresolved, but thankfully, we won't have to live out an entire lifetime wondering, as Jimmy may for his."

IMO You are defending this movie to an absurd degree....

If you like the movie thats fine....But even good movies have problems....this is very simply and its quite odd that you are going to such lengths to deny this clear problem

The ending does not work because there is a Potential Massive Plot Hole

Joe's Good deed / Joe trying to save Jim from a live filled with guilt by sending the red hair clip.....Would NOT work if Sparma wasnt The real Killer

at most it might buy Jim a few months of peace until The REAL killer committed a new murder and JIM got the call to investigate it and then realized Sparma was innocent and the real killer is still killing.

Its ok to like the movie but just be honest it about it....You are Ignoring and denying a painfully oblivious potential plot hole


The point is that in THAT moment the cop needed to be pushed from his state of mind. You know, like when someone freaks out and you need to slap them? After the slap they might not go back to freaking out even though the situation didn't change.

Even if after a month a new similar crime would happen it could had been enough that he got out of the dark at that moment and that he had enough time to cope with it.


I think that's what we see Denzel thinking about at the end before he burns the other hair clips. He is wondering the same thing and pondering if he made the right call sending it to him. Denzel wanted to believe Sparma was the killer but in the end realized it might not be him, but at that point there was nothing he could do.


Agreed. It's not a plot hole. I like where they ended the movie.


I agree.

If The Murders continue...The ending makes no sense.

The ending only works if Jim believes Sparma is the killer and found peace with the red hair clip John sent him.

But If Sparma wasnt the Killer, The Killings are going to continue by the REAL Killer and JIM is going to recognize the killers MO and instantly realize Sparma was innocent and the red hair clip was a fake....

The ending is then crushed ...

The whole point of the ending and what John did for Jim was to find peace and for Jim NOT to go down the same road John did filled with guilt.

That only works if Sparma was the KILLER and The Killings stop....Jim Will be at peace.

But if The Killings continue, John sending him the red hair clip will be pointless because JIM will know The REAL killer is still out there and the Killings will continue with Jim racked with guilt for killing Sparma

Its a Potential HUGE Movie KILLING plot hole

If the director wrote this movie with Sparma in Mind the whole to be the Killer.....Then its not a plot hole

But if the director wrote this movie and wrote with someone else in mind to being the killer.....Then the Ending is a disaster and Yes its a movie Killing Plot hole!



I love that you’re sticking to your guns on this one. I too have a problem with big structural flaws in genre films. Minor things you can let slide, but big things? Not so much.

I think you bring up a good point but one could probably make the case that Deke ran a cost/benefit analysis before making his decision to help Jimmy.

Deke probably assumed that the man Jimmy killed WAS the murderer ... that the odds were probably one in ten that he wasn’t ... but that the odds were 100% Jimmy would be emotionally scarred for life if he, Deke, did nothing to ease his mind.

Thus, if he deceived Jimmy by sending the beret, there was an excellent chance Jimmy would get past his depression and lead a normal life, and only a 10% chance (if the murders continued) that he wouldn’t.

Cost/benefit. Deke weighed the certainty of Jimmy being irreparably damaged for life, against the POSSIBILITY that he would be, and opted for the latter course. Which makes sense to me.


It doesn't have to be a plot hole. It's simply a nice gesture by Joe, but it's just instant gratification and won't last long if Sparma isn't the killer. Which then allows for a sequel. Or, he could also be the killer, but the hair clip is just too damn difficult to locate. Who said the killer kept the clip? Could have fell in a struggle. The writers are purposely leaving this open.


Plot hole is probably the wrong term but the issue is that it's not really open ended. The story just cuts off at point where the audience doesn't know what happens next, which is kind of a cheap tactic. It'd be one thing if they were trying to solve old murders where the killer wasn't still active, because then Rami's character gets to think he got the right man but nobody will ever know for sure. Including the audience. That's not the case here. This is an active killer who they mention more than once is the type that needs to keep killing, so in the movie reality they will get their answer when either more bodies keep turning up or they never have another similar killing again.


It isnt a plot hole...if the issue would only be a problem after the movie ends.


That isn't a plot hole.
