MovieChat Forums > Redbelt (2008) Discussion > If you like this movie... I'm sorry, but...

If you like this movie... I'm sorry, but you're a douche.

yeah, like half the threads and posts here are people posting their displeasure for this film.
And reading these threads, the people defending this film are all douche bags. I dont think I ever met a group of fans as pretencious as these mamet fans.
you mamet fans rival monty python fans in "you just dont get it" attitudes of superiority.

First off, this movie is not hard to understand.
the confusing thing about this movie it appears to take itself VERY seriously when the plot is so ridiculous and cleche.
The idea of implimenting marbles into actual competetion is stupid, i dont care how brilliant mamet is, that is stupid.

the characters had no depth, absolutely ridgid. they were doing things with no explanation.
the whole story line with the cop, totally irrational.
his wife leaving him? because?
hes working on a movie? its all a big set up to get him to fight? why?!

i said this movie is not confusing, and it isnt. it just makes no sence.
heres what mamet thought, "i'll make a character driven story that will prentend to be a bad ass fight movie. except i wont put good action scenes in it so people will think its smart"

Hollywood turns out *beep* constantly, but at least they are quality productions... (mostly). never back down was lame, but at least the story was rational and well put together.


Don't overthink it - it's just a story about how the hero can retain his budo values in a world that just keeps throwing him crap. He's got legal problems, marital problems, financial problems, people are lying to him and trying to use him, people want him to "sell out", etc, and he's trying to live straight and narrow.


I'm sorry, sltcs, but you called this movie cliche and then cite a movie like "Never Back Down" as having a story that "was rational and well put together." I think that's the issue right there: You people who hate this movie were expecting some timeworn testosterone-fueled karate competition action flick like "Never Back Down." I never saw a trailer for "Redbelt," so honestly I don't know if the marketing was misleading. In my opinion, "Redbelt" broke the mold for such a genre. But since no one wants anything new, I guess we'll be treated to another generation of "Karate Kid"...I mean "Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift"...I mean "Never Back Down"...I mean...wait...which one was the movie about the kid who moves to an unfamiliar place, gets treated as an outcast, then beats the locals in a competition they've already mastered? Sorry, I must be thinking of something cliche like "Redbelt."



I dont think I ever met a group of fans as pretencious as these mamet fans.
Not a Mamet fan. Love this movie. Found out that a guy named Mamet made this movie when I came here. Eat it.

First off, this movie is not hard to understand.

the confusing thing about this movie it appears to take itself VERY seriously when the plot is so ridiculous and cleche.
I found nothing ridiculous about it, and I can't think of a less cliched movie about martial arts.

The idea of implimenting marbles into actual competetion is stupid, i dont care how brilliant mamet is, that is stupid.
What part is stupid - that they used marbles? How about straws? Would it be less stupid if they decided to draw straws? What would make you happy? I also don't care how brilliant Mamet is.

the characters had no depth, absolutely ridgid. they were doing things with no explanation.
The characters had more depth than 90% of martial arts movies. What did they do with no explanation? How may I spoon feed you?

the whole story line with the cop, totally irrational.
Irrational, how? Was it the suicide that you found irrational? Perhaps the film didn't delve enough into that character to justify his actions for you as a viewer. I can understand that.

his wife leaving him? because?
Whose wife leaving who? The main character? I must have missed the scene where his wife says, "I'm leaving you."

hes working on a movie? its all a big set up to get him to fight? why?!
What? Why would anyone think this?

Shoot him again... His soul is still dancing.


I guess I'm a douche then.

But to be honest, you are acting just as bad as the Mamet fans you are insulting.


this is so so so hard to believe that folks are defending this steaming pile of crap!!!

I went into this movie with no expectations, and I was STILL VASTLY dissapoi..... nay, AMAZED at how ridiculosly badly written this, ahem, "film" was.......


totally agree with OP, anyone who attempts to defend this film is a douche


May I make an observation?

Let us divide this thread into two camps: the pro and the con.

Now, whichever side you are on, you have to admit that the pro side is clearly written and maintains an appropriate standard of spelling, pucntuation, and grammar.

The con side is sadly lacking these qualities.

Naturally, this doesn't mean one side is more worthy. It simply means one side took some care in expressing themselves, and thought about what they wished to say before they said it. The other side merely spouted off, with no regard to clarity of language.

I won't say this is indicative of the wisdom behind the opinions....

... but you may draw your own conclusions.

1. Being moody.
2. Being bad at maths.
3. Being sad.


Well played, sir. My problem is that I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt on these boards. Based on this thread, the OP doesn't deserve anybody's time.


Hey OP, your moms a douche, Mamet rules, go watch spongebob if his stuff is too complex for u

"Aint nobody here but two people in green"


Hey, this movie isn't hard to understand it's just very unrealistic. The Mike Terry character is either incredibly naive or just plain stupid. The events in the story are linked by ugly coincidence and betrayal. My MAJOR problem is the white and black marble BS and the idea that any state athletic commission in the U.S. would sanction an event like the one that takes place in this movie.

Being hit by someone in a moving car is no basis for a relationship.



Was your point with this rant to act like a Troll? Calling people names typically isn't a good way to start out a conversation.


Possibly the stupidest thread title I've ever read.

And the content is almost equally stupid.

>"not confusing, and it isnt. it just makes no sence."<

Assuming you ever had an English teacher, it's a good thing [s]he isn't reading this post.


Is this your homework, Larry?


"the characters had no depth, absolutely ridgid. they were doing things with no explanation."

Movies where all the character's actions are fully explained, are very boring to me. People don't behave only according to simple logic. Also, it's nice when a movie leaves some holes to fill in yourself, some things to interpret. That's how a story or a character comes to life.


Well, namecalling certainly proves you're right.

You keep saying it's not hard to understand yet demonstrate no ability to understand it.

"I'll book you. I'll book you on something. I'll find something in the book to book you on."
