MovieChat Forums > Redbelt (2008) Discussion > Simply put...Im Blown Away

Simply put...Im Blown Away

I feel sad for people who dont like, get or appreciate this movie. I guess they just have no sense of what it means to be a descent person trying to live a good, honorable life in this morally and spiritually corrupt world. Where competition for wealth, fame, glory and approval are all that are rewarded or seem to matter anymore. Quailities like integrity, honesty, honor and decency must only be phantom concepts to them.

Mike Terry IS one of the finest characters EVER written and I am inspired by his uncorruptable goodness. Thank you David Mamet.

Be the Change You Wish to See in the World. Gandhi
There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit. Gattaca


LOL, I feel bad for you.

Just because a character depicts those traits, all of a sudden this is a good movie that blows you away?

What about the storyline? The plot, the ending, and the sense of it all?

This movie is p-a-t-h-e-t-i-c.


Well bobbyh2 the beautiful thing about movies, as with any form of art, is that the meaning, the experience and the appreciation is of a subjective nature. So while you may dislike this movie, I say, to each his own. But for me to try and explain my appreciation to you is as pointless as you devoting your time, your energy and the little space in your head to propagating negativity about it. Surely no one compelled you to watch it and watch it to the end and then go and comment about it on this board. There are plenty of very popular movies I dislike yet I dont spend a moments thought or time on those boards expressing it. Cause really, whats the point? Honestly I'd like to know how you derive satisfaction from that.

I guess I am wondering what kind of a person does that make you bobbyh2? Lonely, spoiling for a worthless back and forth? Nothing else to contribute except negativity? That is sad.

Be The Change You Wish to See in the World. Gandhi
There is NO Gene for the Human Spirit. Gattaca


The problem does not lie in the character of Mike Terry. I have problems with the premises of how Terry got himself into the ordeal with the fight event. Let's go back to the incident at the jujitsu school. When the lawyer girl comes in. First thing Officer Joe should've done is retrieve his gun. That's his first mistake. Instead he laid his hands on the obviously distraught lawyer girl from behind, she screamed. He should've stopped right there. Instead, Officer Joe kept grabbing the girl, trying to take her coat. The girl tries to get away, accidently grabbed the gun and it goes off, breaking the window. Than Joe screams, "I'M A POLICE OFFICER!!!" Hey A55hole, maybe you should've said that before touching the girl. And none of this would've happened. So none of this is the lawyer girl's fault. She wouldn't have gone to prison for "attempted murder" on a police officer. Get real. Had she grab the gun, point, aim and fire, than that maybe is attempted murder, but not what happened in the movie.

Now the incident with the hot watch, that's even a faultier premise. Joe, or anyone else wouldn't kill himself, not due to Mike Terry giving him the hot watch. It is something that can be sort out, in court. It's like Officer Joe can't wait to kill himself. He worried of bringing dishonor to the Jujitsu school? That's why he kills himself? So he writes a suicide note, explaining the hot watch, and than kills himself. That in itself actually brings what he doesn't want, bringing dishonor to the school!!! Hello?!? lol

So these two are the main problems that take away from the suspension of diesbelief. Which is important for my enjoyment of the story. Had Mamet created a more believable premise of why Mike Terry got stuck in a bad situation, and force to fight, we have a much better movie.


good points. the window shot scene didn't seem right.
