MovieChat Forums > Milk (2009) Discussion > Why is it socially unexceptable to disli...

Why is it socially unexceptable to dislike gays?

I feel like over night its become cool to be gay. Anyone who has a problem gays is ignorant or evil. I'm just not into guys on guys, I think it's disturbing. (I'm not religious btw)



There are plenty of "decent" Southerners who feel the same way about blacks, Gentiles who feel the same way about Jews, and men who feel the same way about women. It's called prejudice.

Why do you think it's cool to be homophobic?

BTW, society has been moving away from the notion that bias against (or to use your term, "dislike of") gays since the 70s. Time to wake up & ask yourself what your problem with every member of an entire community is.


I don't think it's cool to be homophobic, it's jusy the way I am. I mean if i'm with a group of guys and we see a openly gay guy, all glittered up, talking feminine, we would find it amusing, is that wrong?



What makes you think openly gay men are "glittered up" and talk "feminine"?


Because i've seen it with my own eyes, might aswell call them exabitionists lol



That's like saying every heterosexual man wears sports team memorabilia like a walking advertisement. Do most all or even most straight men do that?

"I don't think it's cool to be homophobic, it's jusy the way I am."

And how did you get to be that way?

"I mean if i'm with a group of guys and we see a openly gay guy, all glittered up, talking feminine, we would find it amusing, is that wrong?"

I don't think so. No more than finding it amusing if you see some overweight heterosexual guy decked out in a Kobe Bryant jersey and a Lakers hat babbling on loudly about how great the Lakers are as though he's actually on the team himself. If you think about it, isn't that pretty goofy? Amusing doesn't equal wrong. Just because something isn't what you happen to personally prefer, what makes it disturbing? Are you so insecure that you are upset by men who aren't just like you and this group of guys you are always hanging out with?


Some good points, but I must say I feel that the media (tv) glorifies homosexuality like there some kind of untouchable minority movement. Always portayed as inocent or victimised! I belive I'm a good person, if I saw a gay man in destress, I'd probably help him, but I find two guys getting it on disturbing.



"I feel that the media (tv) glorifies homosexuality like there some kind of untouchable minority movement. Always portayed as inocent or victimised!"

What's going on now is an effort to make up for the past. In decades past in the media, gay people were mainly depicted as freaks, degenerates, insanse, usually deserving of anything bad that happens to them. Or they were nothing but stereotypes to be laughed at. The same thing was done to black people in the media, and some would argue that still goes on. In time, this sort of thing will not be as obvious, but this is the reason why and it's not that surprising if you look at history.

"I belive I'm a good person, if I saw a gay man in destress, I'd probably help him, but I find two guys getting it on disturbing."

You are comparing social acceptance with certain sexual acts. I'm willing to bet that there are all kinds of sex acts a man can do with a woman that you would find disturbing as well. I find the thought of my grandparents getting it on disturbing, but is that any reason to have any sort of problem with old people in general, or my own grandparents? There is no reason to single out gay people, unless you have a specific insecurity, and you haven't been able to really address that.


Some good points, but I must say I feel that the media (tv) glorifies homosexuality like there some kind of untouchable minority movement. Always portayed as inocent or victimised! I belive I'm a good person, if I saw a gay man in destress, I'd probably help him, but I find two guys getting it on disturbing.
No good points, but I must say I feel the media (tv) has been glorifying heterosexuality for years. For the longest time, gay people couldn't even find anyone like them on the tube.

And if you find "two guys getting it on" disturbing, I have to ask--where exactly are you hanging out that you would happen upon this? Besides, most gay men who would be equally turned off at the thought of being with women still have no problem being friends with them (even lesbians where not even 50% of the image is appealing)--so there goes your last excuse.

"Well, for once the rich white man is in control!" C. M. Burns


Ok so whats your point? you go both ways or what?



Here, read this:


Interesting story and like the guy is not proud to be gay, i'm not proud of being homophobic, it's just the way it is. I just think the gays need to tone it down a bit, Less movies and tv shows, they should focus on their own communities.



First off, the guy is me.

Secondly, you missed the point if you think being homophobic is just the way it is...

Less movies and less TV shows isn't the problem. It's how gays are represented that's the problem.

Also, I guess you missed the part about how we shouldn't separate ourselves with different communities and just long for unity.



"Because i've seen it with my own eyes, might aswell call them exabitionists"

Next you'll be telling me that I'm not supposed to be into Nascar or baseball, have hobbies like model railroading or railfanning, or do tech support for a living.


How long have you been openly gay. Do you feel that it is a higher standard of living?



First realized that I was gay during my freshman year in high school (fall 1988). Came out in January 1996.

What higher standard of living? I live paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. I get up in the morning, go to work doing tech support for a large bank, come home in the evening, eat dinner, do dishes, and then head to bed to start it all over the next day.


Thats the life mate, i'd take that any day, i'm 20yrs old and my lifes heading no where. It's the small things we take for granted.



Rock Hudson sure didn't. Wez (played by Vernon Wells) in Max Max 2: The Road warrior sure didn't.


My iMDB profile


You are a bellend pure and simple.


If you are "born gay" then I am "born homophobic"


I'll answer the original question because it's stupid to dislike someone who does something you have no interest in doing. And finding it "disturbing" just because you don't want to do it is ignorant.

To use another example, I don't think I could ever be a surgeon because I'd get grossed out cutting and seeing inside people. But at the same time I'm not a stupid idiot bigot who would think any less of people who do that for a living.

The artist formerly known as NWH.


Well OP, am I a bad person to say I would laugh if I saw a black man wearing a track suit and bling, had gold teeth and was talking in ebonics?


IN several posts I have been told I was a bigot and homophobe for adamantly disagreeing with homosexuality. I never condemed it or lowered myself to name calling though I surely have been maligned.
In truth, I have a few gay friends and several emplyees who go home with my signature on their checks every other week. As long as they are making me money, I pay them. But my view of homosexuality is still that it is a disease and one that can be treated for those that are motivated to change.


And I suppose the 'cure' is Jesus?


You might want to consult ANY NUMBER of reputable medical and scientific boards, thinktanks, societies, communities...


These are facts.


^^^But what do any of those "experts" know after all lol!!!


You are so silly. No, it is not Jesus or the act of any divintiy. It is therapy. Preachers make terrible therapists.

Look, I am not going to go into a litanny of arguments to convince you that Same Sex Attraction (SSA) is treatable and correctable. There are so many spontaneous occurences that most of you know someone that has indulged but found their way to healthy sexual attractions.

In my practice, I have met several that have told me they lived in a SSA relationship for several years, only to awake one day and discover that they were done "with that" and returned to healthy heterosexual relationships. Understanding their patterns led me to realize that this was a characterlogical anomaly, rather than something hard-wired.


"I have a few gay friends... But my view of homosexuality is still that it is a disease and one that can be treated for those that are motivated to change."

LOL. The definition of the term 'friend' certainly becomes suspect when someone says things like this out of both sides of their mouth. No doubt you are all great pals, who wouldn't want to be friends with someone who holds them in such high regard. I can give you the benefit of the doubt though, you may very well have gay friends who have the lowest self-esteem possible.

People can change their sexual behavior for any number of reasons. Over any amount of time. But they can't change their sexual orientation, whether it's straight or gay. That's all your example shows, and any LICENSED therapist will tell you exactly what I just did. Even if you want to take the "treatable disease" route, it's no different than alcoholism. A recovered alcoholic is still an alcoholic, they just don't drink anymore. The same goes for anyone who stops engaging within their true sexual orientation. And beyond various religious dogma, there is nothing inherently unhealthy nor incorrect about homosexual orientation or expression, it's strictly your random opinion.


I was referring Ikillen's mentality on homosexuality.



What specifically are you referring to that he stated? We just went through everything for you in this thread, and replied to everything you brought up. What did we miss before?


I think ikillen is just a nom de plume for Michelle or Marcus Bachmann.

I don't have Bieber fever. I have Bieber nausea.


There's also straight people that will stay in a straight relationship for years then wake up one day and decide they're done "with that". It goes both ways.
I think asking why a gay person likes who they like is kind of like asking you (assuming you are male) why you like women.
You're attracted to women because you are.. that's just the way it is for you correct?
It's the same for us. I like women because I do, I can't tell you why, it's the way it is.
Just because you're slightly more accepting than other homophobes doesn't make you any less of a bigot.


There you go! Finally some logic in here, someone gets it!



"There you go! Finally some logic in here, someone gets it!"

Finally someone gets what?


"IN several posts I have been told I was a bigot and homophobe for adamantly disagreeing with homosexuality. I never condemed it or lowered myself to name calling though I surely have been maligned.
In truth, I have a few gay friends and several emplyees who go home with my signature on their checks every other week. As long as they are making me money, I pay them. But my view of homosexuality is still that it is a disease and one that can be treated for those that are motivated to change."

I don't think that being gay is a disease, just that people being uncomfortable and questioning homosexuality are quickly becoming in the minority.



Sometimes we do manage to eventually get things right. There is a collective feeling now that homosexuality is not something which homosexual people can do anything about and it doesn't hurt anyone so they don't deserve to be treated badly for it. The only people who are left with problems over it are strict religious types and people who just are not very intelligent. If you are a prejudiced person, you are most likely a nincompoop. A lot of people are sick of the religious types in general because of how terribly they have acted over the past couple of decades with covering up child molestations and other sexual acts and believing that gay people deserve to get AIDS. Look at my signiature link. joanne


Its "cool" to be yourself, all these people speaking out towards gay people, are just encouraging them to be themselves, just like you, I bet if everyone allowed your discrimination, you'll feel pretty cool:D

Yeah,anyone who's got a problem with Gays has an IQ of 2, obviously being gay is SOMETHING your BORN with, Transgendered proves that, besides, being Gay never changes the same person you were before, maybe your just referring to a stereo type. Thats like saying all black people can't swim, or Mexicans love to mow lawns, or every white girl is dumb, ALL STEREO TYPES.


I couldn't help but laugh when the OP wrote: 'it's just the way I am'. Implying that he has no aspirations for personal improvement whatsoever.

Being anti-gay is socially unexeptable because being racist, or sexist is unexceptable.


It shows a sense of immaturity. That's why.


Agreed. It's called equality. They are people who work and pay their taxes just like everybody else. Plain and simple, they deserve to be treated with every bit as much respect as you want to be treated with.



Anyone who has a problem gays is ignorant or evil.
Anyone who has a problem with someone because of his or her sexual preference is at least the first of those....did you not know this before?

When congress is controlled by homosexuals who are passing laws that you must be one too...then you have a point.

And just so you know -- a gay friend of mine once described me as the most confirmed hetro he'd ever met. Live and let live.


because of grammatical reasons


how the hell did it take a year and four pages of comments for someone to finally point that out?

Honestly this thread is so "American" that it makes me sick


Because if I bothered to point out the spelling and grammatical errors of every misguided imbecile on these boards, I would never get around to pointing out the much bigger, more significant stupid things they're saying.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


The OP posted; "Anyone who has a problem gays is ignorant or evil."

Another (ignorant) "tolerant" lefty speaking?

Go visit the Castro District with your Girlfriend and kiss her in public, or go to a bar or a restaurant and do the same.

Holds hands with her. Kiss her. It doesn't have to be tongue wrestling, just a little lip on lip action for a few seconds. Show some PDA

You will get a lot of "evil" eyes and rude comments, such as "go back to Iowa (Or some other Midwestern or Southern State), you breeders"

"Breeder" is a derogatory term used by some Homosexuals towards Heterosexuals as a slur.

Or you might hear; "Get out of 'our' neighborhood" or "Go back to Walnut Creek" or some other suburb of SF

You will likely receive poor service at a restaurant, and if you are at a bar, the bartender will likely ignore your request for drinks.
If you do get a pour, it will likely be weak.

In other words, they want you out of "their" neighborhood.
You're not welcome there if you are a Heterosexual couple, especially if you display any form of PDA

I was born and raised in San Francisco, and I also lived half a block from the intersection of 20th Street and Diamond Street, 4.5 Blocks from the "heart" of the the Castro (18th & Castro) for many years in a cool old Victorian, which is now probably worth a couple of Million today. (I'll have to look it up on Zillow)

There was a corner store at the NW intersection of 20th & Diamond, with a pay phone outside back in the 70's
IDK if it's still there.

I remember the eerie sound Sutro Tower would create in high wind conditions.
Cool and creepy at the same time.

Some of the bars I remember were "The Elephant Walk" "The Pendulum" and "The Midnight Sun"

"The Midnight Sun" (Or was it "The Elephant Walk?) had a prime location - the SW corner of 18th & Castro.
The "24 Divisadero" bus used to stop right in front of it and probably still does even if the bar is gone or has a different name.
Like most bars, they are probably long gone or renamed as its been a while since I last lived there.

I used to take the "24 Divisadero" bus and either walked home or transferred at 18th & Castro and took the "37 Corbett" bus, which dropped me off half a block from home.

Before you say "It's only 4.5 blocks" be aware it's all uphill and very steep.

Not a walk you want to make after working all day, especially in the rain.

There was also an "ARCO" gas station across from the bank at the intersection of Market and Castro.
IDK if it is still there either.

I think it was on technically on 17th Street, which has a long uphill with various side streets.

If you drive 17th street all the way to the end going uphill to the West, you'll end up in the Haight-Ashbury District.

Obviously, only someone very familiar with SF and with the Castro would know the above details. I could post more, but only the most skeptical would require that I do.

I don't have a problem with "gays" (A word they co-opted to soften what they actually are - homosexuals.)

Homosexuals have a problems with Heterosexuals. They are far less tolerant of Heterosexuals than Heterosexuals are of them.

Like I said, go visit the Castro with a lady friend and engage in some PDA (Public Display of Affection) in various bars and restaurants.

You'll experience "evil" - discrimination, ignorance, name-calling and basically being ignored by servers and/or harassed into leaving "their" neighborhood.

Again, this is from personal experience from someone born and raised in SF that lived in the outer Castro. I guess they call it "Eureka Valley" or some Bee Ess like that these days.

And this is not just anecdotal evidence either. It's well-known among those in SF, but the local media won't mention it.

I did find one instance of the local media reporting on a "Gay" bar ejecting a Heterosexual couple for engaging in a PDA.

"As for 'The Cafe' changing our policy on straight people making out, this will not change," he wrote. "They will still be asked not to, once. If they don't like it, they can leave. This is a gay bar and they are the guests of our community."

Read more:

The blatant discriminatory quotes in the article are appalling.
They can't even see their own hypocrisy.

Ironically, "gays" will go the Heterosexual singles bars on weekends and engage in heavy, prolonged PDA for shock value, knowing that if they are asked to cease and desist, the bar will have their liquor license suspended and they will be hit with a large fine, but "The Cafe" did not get hit with either.

And it appears to be standard practice to eject Heterosexual couples in Copenhagen "Gay" bars for PDA (Google it.)

If it weren't for double-standards, liberals wouldn't have any standards at all.


What a shame. EVERYONE should be asked to leave for engaging in any form of PDA, regardless of gender distribution of the folks involved.

Homosexuals have a problems with Heterosexuals. They are far less tolerant of Heterosexuals than Heterosexuals are of them.

That might be true in your particular experience of gay bars in a gay neighborhood, but the generality you've extrapolated is nonsense. You clearly do not understand the difference between being generally intolerant, and having a proprietary attitude toward what a marginalized group views as a safe zone. The attitudes you describe may well exist in these safe zones, where gay people want to interact exclusively with other gay people. It's not true of homosexual attitudes toward heterosexuals in general.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


hadmatter, did you not read the article?

Also, this is not anecdotal evidence as wrote where I lived and I lived there a long time.

This is not an anomaly.

Also, "gays" like to "invade" heterosexual singles bars and engage in PDA "kiss-ins" for "shock value" yet, by law, they cannot be asked to cease, desist or leave as they will have their liquor license suspended and likely sued for Civil Rights violations, yet according to, "The Cafe faces no penalty or fine, but is officially on record in San Francisco as having committed discrimination."

Yet if this happened in Heterosexual Bar, the City of SF would shut them down and they would be facing Civil Rights violations.

But if a "Homosexual" bar does it, they get a slap on the wrist - no fine, no nothing. But it is "on record as having committed discrimination"

And what's with this "safe zone" Bee Ess?
If "Gay" people are allowed to engage in PDA, then Heterosexual people should be allowed to do so in a "Gay" establishment.

Funny how "Gays" complain about discrimination, yet they discriminate against Heterosexuals much more than the other way around.

Like I said, a Heterosexual couple is more than welcome to prove me wrong by going to the Castro, visiting various bars and restaurants and engaging in minor PDA - holding hands, lip on lip kissing, no tongue, showing general affection towards each other and you will hear the comments I posted above:

You will get a lot of "evil" eyes and rude comments, such as "go back to Iowa (Or some other Midwestern or Southern State), breeders"

"Breeder" is a derogatory term used by some Homosexuals used towards Heterosexuals as a slur.

Or you might hear; "Get out of 'our' neighborhood" or "Go back to Walnut Creek" or some other suburb of SF

You will likely receive poor service at a restaurant, or if you are at a bar, the bartender will likely ignore your request for drinks, or serve other people who came in after you did.
If you do get a pour, it will likely be weak.

In other words, they want you out of "their" neighborhood.
You're not welcome if you are a Heterosexual couple, especially if you display any form of PDA

"hadmatter", how long have you lived in SF? How often have you visited the bars and eateries in the Castro? (Be specific, I know that neighborhood quite well and any attempt to Bee Ess me will be immediately "outed")

I'm not "extrapolating nonsense" - I'm posting facts based on decades of truth of what I've seen with my own eyes over a number of years along with similar facts from other Heterosexual people that has progressively gotten worse and more brazen over the years.

Nor am I posting "generalities" as I have given specifics, including a link to an article in, filled with quotes of blatant discrimination, with the attitude of "this is 'our' neighborhood. Heterosexual people are not welcome here."

No different than a white neighborhood saying "this is 'our' neighborhood. Black people are not welcome here."

Despite your attempt to rationalize this blatant discrimination, it is wrong, hypocritical, and shows who the true "haters" are.

Newsflash: "Homosexuals" do not own the Castro or any other district and cannot be the arbitrators of who is "allowed" to enter "their" neighborhood.
Thanks again for showing your true, intolerant colors.

Like I said, either too ignorant to even realize your blatant hypocrisy and double-standards, or they have an "ends justifies the means" attitude and they don't care about right and wrong - just getting their way.

Perhaps some video evidence might open your ears and your eyes:

"Get out of 'our' neighborhood" as Heterosexuals are chased out of the Castro and assaulted & battered.

Again, the intolerance is staggering. The Castro is not "yours" - it belongs to everyone.

It's like chasing Black people out of a White neighborhood, but the Liberal SF Board of Supervisors and Mayor see nothing wrong with this type of blatant discrimination.

Actually, I would advise Hetero couples to avoid any bars or eateries in The Castro - you just might get a little extra "surprise" in your drink/meal.

Seeing how 76% of AIDS deaths in the US are from Man/Man sex, you don't want any infected blood in your drink/meal.

I can post pages of evidence of evidence of intolerance, but people like "hadmatter" will jump thru hoops and twist him/herself into a pretzel to rationalize such blatant, appalling, discriminatory behavior.

Again, this is no different than White establishments back in the 30's and 40's refusing to serve Blacks, or a White neighborhood telling Blacks to "get out of our neighborhood"

No difference at all, except the appalling hypocrisy of the "gay" community and their enablers in the media.


hadmatter, did you not read the article?

i read what you wrote. That's what I responded to.

Also, this is not anecdotal evidence as wrote where I lived and I lived there a long time.

You wrote about your experiences. That is, by definition, anecdotal evidence.

Also, "gays" like to "invade" heterosexual singles bars and engage in PDA "kiss-ins" for "shock value" yet, by law, they cannot be asked to cease, desist or leave as they will have their liquor license suspended and likely sued for Civil Rights violations, yet according to, "The Cafe faces no penalty or fine, but is officially on record in San Francisco as having committed discrimination."

Yet if this happened in Heterosexual Bar, the City of SF would shut them down and they would be facing Civil Rights violations.

But if a "Homosexual" bar does it, they get a slap on the wrist - no fine, no nothing. But it is "on record as having committed discrimination"

You said all this already. Repetition does not strengthen your argument.

And what's with this "safe zone" Bee Ess?

It is exactly what I said. Any group of people that is marginalized and targeted for discrimination and violence is likely to be unusually protective of any area which they regard as a safe space for members of that group. I am not supporting this idea and calling it fair, I am merely explaining why certain behaviors arise.

If "Gay" people are allowed to engage in PDA, then Heterosexual people should be allowed to do so in a "Gay" establishment.

Yes. What is your point? I already agreed with this.

Like I said, a Heterosexual couple is more than welcome to prove me wrong by going to the Castro, visiting various bars and restaurants and engaging in minor PDA - holding hands, lip on lip kissing, no tongue, showing general affection towards each other and you will hear the comments I posted above:

You will get a lot of "evil" eyes and rude comments, such as "go back to Iowa (Or some other Midwestern or Southern State), breeders"

"Breeder" is a derogatory term used by some Homosexuals used towards Heterosexuals as a slur.

Or you might hear; "Get out of 'our' neighborhood" or "Go back to Walnut Creek" or some other suburb of SF

You will likely receive poor service at a restaurant, or if you are at a bar, the bartender will likely ignore your request for drinks, or serve other people who came in after you did.
If you do get a pour, it will likely be weak.

In other words, they want you out of "their" neighborhood.
You're not welcome if you are a Heterosexual couple, especially if you display any form of PDA

Yes, you already said ALL OF THIS.

"hadmatter", how long have you lived in SF? How often have you visited the bars and eateries in the Castro? (Be specific, I know that neighborhood quite well and any attempt to Bee Ess me will be immediately "outed")

I haven't, nor did I ever claim to, so I don't know what your point is.

A more pertinent question would be, how long have YOU lived OUTSIDE of San Francisco, and how much experience do you have in the gay ghettos of anyplace other than the gayest city in America? A city like SF is certainly not representative of gay people on the whole.

I'm not "extrapolating nonsense" - I'm posting facts based on decades of truth of what I've seen with my own eyes over a number of years along with similar facts from other Heterosexual people that has progressively gotten worse and more brazen over the years.

Yes, you are characterizing all gay people based on the Castro. You are extrapolating nonsense.

Nor am I posting "generalities" as I have given specifics, including a link to an article in, filled with quotes of blatant discrimination, with the attitude of "this is 'our' neighborhood. Heterosexual people are not welcome here."

You are saying "Homosexuals do this" and "Homosexuals do that", based on gay patrons of gay businesses, in the gayest neighborhood in the gayest city in the entire country. Guess what? Most gay people are not currently sitting in gay bars in the Castro. You are very much posting generalities.

No different than a white neighborhood saying "this is 'our' neighborhood. Black people are not welcome here."

Despite your attempt to rationalize this blatant discrimination, it is wrong, hypocritical, and shows who the true "haters" are.

Right. But stating that all gay people are exactly like the ones that you encounter in this specific neighborhood isn't discrimination at all, yes?

Newsflash: "Homosexuals" do not own the Castro or any other district and cannot be the arbitrators of who is "allowed" to enter "their" neighborhood.

When did I ever say otherwise?

Thanks again for showing your true, intolerant colors.

That would be you, not me. I have not said anything implying support for such behavior, but thank YOU for making it clear that you are more than willing to jump to irrational conclusions.

Like I said, either too ignorant to even realize your blatant hypocrisy and double-standards, or they have an "ends justifies the means" attitude and they don't care about right and wrong - just getting their way.

How am I a hypocrite? I have consistently agreed that such discrimination is wrong. You're just desperate to hate people.

Actually, I would advise Hetero couples to avoid any bars or eateries in The Castro - you just might get a little extra "surprise" in your drink/meal.

Seeing how 76% of AIDS deaths in the US are from Man/Man sex, you don't want any infected blood in your drink/meal.

You know what? I don't think this has ANYTHING to do with discrimination. Judging from this comment, you're simply an ass. You have access to information, dude, there is absolutely no excuse for you to imply something like this.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


I don't have a problem with "gays" (A word they co-opted to soften what they actually are - homosexuals.)
Guess you proved how easy going you are with those two assertions all by themselves.

I visited the Castro for a night last summer with my wife and saw nothing along the lines of what you say. Everyone was wonderful, and not a hint of hetro-prejudice. It was a real fun time.

But then my gay friends gave me the super secret that makes gays like you before we left home. Who would have guessed that being friendly, open and respectful could win you friends?


Wow. You where there for one entire night without incident?

That's quite a large data sample.

I lived 4.5 blocks from the heart of the Castro (18th & Castro) for well over 20 years.

I finally left because I couldn't get a meal at a restaurant or a drink at a bar when I was with a lady friend.

I was often told to "get out of 'our' neighborhood" despite the fact that I lived there before it became a Homosexual neighborhood.

We were called "breeders", told to go back to Texas or Iowa or some other Mid-South state, which is ironic because that's where many of the Homosexual men came from so they could be in SF/The Castro.

We got the dirty looks, the rude comments, the lousy service, the weak pours, ignored by service staff, etc...

Polk Street used to be the Homosexual neighborhood, then in the early 70's, the "migration" began.

You're out of your league and in over way over your head, Junior.

Thanks for ruining "my" neighborhood with your intolerance, hatred and discrimination.

I really loved that old Victorian and the spectacular views it offered.


For sure I was only in the Castro for one night, even if everyone was friendly as can be. Perhaps I was just lucky as I walked down the street holding my wife's hand and kissing her in restaraunts and bars.

But I have had a good number of gay friends along the way and met many more of their friends who were gay. I hate to generalize about any group of people, but I still will....I found them friendly, fun, supportive, open and unjudgmental.

And even not in the Castro, I've spent the evening in gay bars scores of times over the years. Both with a date or my wife who I was affecionate too and solo with friends, I never caught even one comment or instance along the lines of what you mentioned. If anything, I felt the target patrons were happy to have me there and could not have felt more welcomed.

I understand that your experience seems to have been different, so I am curious. In all those 20 years living in a heavily gay area, how many gay friends did you make? Did you discuss these issues with them?


I finally left because I couldn't get a meal at a restaurant or a drink at a bar when I was with a lady friend.

I was often told to "get out of 'our' neighborhood" despite the fact that I lived there before it became a Homosexual neighborhood.

We were called "breeders", told to go back to Texas or Iowa or some other Mid-South state, which is ironic because that's where many of the Homosexual men came from so they could be in SF/The Castro.

We got the dirty looks, the rude comments, the lousy service, the weak pours, ignored by service staff, etc...

Maybe it's because you're such a rude person. Maybe it has something to do with the attitude that leads you to generalize all gays as being of one mind, or the fact that you obviously hate that the Castro became a gay neighborhood.

I am the sod-off shotgun.

