Rev. Jim Jones

Wasn't he in charge of housing or on the housing committee in sf? He was appointed by Mayor Moscone. Strange that they didn't mention him.


James Warren Jones, (name at birth) & the numerous mixed race couples of the Peoples' Temple were allowed to leave the United States of America, in 1977, the previous year & avoid polygamy charges (Mormanism). When some former members sent a complaint to Congress, about how they were being heavily mistreated in the jungled country of Guyana, South America, Congressman, Leo J. Ryan decided to investigate. As he and his group were about to get into their airplane(s) & return to California's Congress, they were assassinated. After Leo J. Ryan's visit & death, was when Jim Jones decided to end Peoples Temple & not worry about being caught committing a crime especially rape or polygamy and be put behind bars (in jail) like polygamist, Warren Jeffs.
