all i can say ...



all i can say...

is you are a very trite and boring poster.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


and vile


that you are. thanks for noticing my accidental omission.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


It always amuses me whenever anyone states that homosexual sex is 'vile', 'disgusting', etc. when the very same words could be used to describe heterosexual sex. All of those superlatives could be applied to the very act of 'sex' in general if one is being totally honest. It's all kind of 'yucky'. This is why the act of sex is, or should be, a very private matter and certainly no one elses business. Let's face it, heterosexual or homosexual sex is hardly something that one would watch while eating. I would suggest that one should perhaps train their mind not to dwell on what another might do in their bedroom. Either that or stop looking at gay porn . . .


There were no sex scenes in this film, there was kissing and post coital cuddling but no sex, and like the last guy said if you aren't a participant, hetero sex really ain't pretty either, this is a great film, I think the love scenes simply show how similar gay relationships are to hetero relationships but if you can't handle the gay love scenes then skip em and appreciate the rest of the film, it's a great film and Harvey was a great man.


Your ignorance is sad. We now know that homosexuality is inborn. In that way, it's like eye color or being right- or left-handed, or tall. Once people begin to understand this fact, they'll have to accept it for what it is: not a CHOICE. I happen to be heterosexual, but that's just because I was born this way. Let's stop bashing people who are different from the mainstream.


Dude, come out of the closet. It's okay.
