MovieChat Forums > Milk (2009) Discussion > Why did Dan White eat so much junk food?

Why did Dan White eat so much junk food?

The film never really showed just how much he ate, what he ate, and why he ate it.

Was he eating McDonald's for every meal every single day like that guy in "Super-Size Me"?

What specific junk foods did his courtroom defense blame his actions on?



At the time of his murder spree, Megavitamin therapy and other food driven psychology theories had come out been published and were available.

The defense that White's lawyers proposed was that he was acting under diminished capacity, and had after previously being a healthy eating excercising person fallen into extreme depression and poor eating.

ONE reporter called it the Twinkie defense, although twinkies were never named.

The name and a romanticized notion of how much junk food was consumed took over in legend.

Dan White was a depressed mentally ill person, possibly latent homosexual, possibly just a homophobe.


Its not that he became mentally ill because he was eating junk food. The junk food he was eating was evidence of a man suffereing from depression.

A man who normally lived a very healthy lifestyle suddenly eating sh!t shows a down turn in his mental state


That's probably where the term "comfort foods" comes from. People who are depressed use them to "medicate" themselves.


How is this even on any level an acceptable excuse for anything never mind murder???
He only surved five years aswell!! God, it makes me so made!!!


How is this even on any level an acceptable excuse for anything never mind murder???
He only surved five years aswell!! God, it makes me so mad!!!

Yes, it was disgusting that he used such a lame excuse and got just 5 years. It was definately a case of the court protecting a former Police Officer and Fireman from extensive jail time. Sickening.

The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime


What do you expect from a "Sanctuary City?"

An MS-13 Gang Member that had been arrested numerous times was jailed, but never handed over to ICE.

Shortly after his last stint in jail, he shot to death a Father and his two sons who were coming home from a Baseball game, mistaking them for rival gang members.

Had SF deported his azz, that Father and his two Sons would be alive today.

Thanks, SF


Former San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Dianne Feinstein thinks that Dan White's eating of junk food could have been a sympton of what she perceived to be manic depression as stated in this interview.

The interview in its entire 28 minutes


It was just a way for his lawyers to get him off on an insanity defense so that he wasn't culpable for what he did -- even though it was premeditated. Being San Francisco, it worked brilliantly.

