MovieChat Forums > Milk (2009) Discussion > I love how desperate the opposition is b...

I love how desperate the opposition is becoming on this board as of late

Why do you think it is? IMO it's because our side has experienced many victories lately:

-New York legalizing same sex marriage

-The Justice Department issuing a 31 page report on why DOMA is unconstitutional (if you haven't read it yet I highly recommend it!)

-The 9th Circut Court of Appeals ordering that DADT ceace to be enforced (despite certification scheduled to occur by the end of July/early August and enforcement to occur 60 days after that).

They're seeing the writing on the wall and they don't like it. Even the new head of Focus on the Family recently said his side has "probably lost" on same sex marriage. It must suck to realize that the world doesn't totally belong to you anymore.

Also, shakespearesmainsion1978 has deleated all his posts on this site and For the Bible Tells Me So. Guess he couldn't take the heat so he left the kitchen.


I think the big things for a lot of people that are so against homosexuality is that they are misinformed, scared/uneasy of anything that is "different", and closemindedness.

When I was growing up, my parents and brother used to say all kinds of crazy stuff about gay people and how they were glad that nobody in the family was gay. They had no idea that I was gay and that what they were saying was making it difficult to come to terms with accepting myself.

When I came out to them in 2003, there was the initial misinformed questions, fear that I was going to get AIDS, etc. But their love for me overcame their fears and closemindedness. I'm even able to joke around about it with them.

It's like Harvey Milk used to say, the closet is out biggest enemy. You can't just look at somebody and know if they are gay, straight, or bi. As a result, people don't know that they know gay people and are okay with them.
