Ridiculous - Spoilers

This show is ridiculous. Guess no one is watching, as there isn't much at all about the big 2 hour finale. Hope would totally have gone with the CR if they asked her to help her dad. And big effing deal if she brought Iris with her. Why all the contrived plan to WALK to the facility? She should have just shot Huck when she confronted her. The only reason I'm still watching is that they say this show is the lead up to the Rick Grimes movies. I'm not interested in any of the characters. The whole season has been about a journey that could have been a 15 minute helicopter ride. Stupid.


You said it! I was about to post similar myself. Why didn't they just send a frickin chopper and say "your dad needs your help". Could have all been over and done with in less than 2 episodes.

Also, why did Silas not go with Elton & Percy in the last episode? It's not like he was injured and slowing them down or anything. I don't get his reasoning.

Finally, I just wanna say that Annet Mahendru (Huck) seems to do all her acting with her lips and tongue. Anyone else feel that got kinda creepily irritating after a few eps?


Not sure about Silas. I thought maybe he just wanted to be the one who saved Elton.

The poster down below does have some good points about the CR wanting Hope to be completely on board, but their method and the journey is still a bit too contrived.

As for the actress, I never noticed, but I'm finding it hard to care about any of these characters.


All perfectly in line with the increasing stupidity of all Walking Dead Shows, although I have to say Fear is often pretty good.


Fear had quite the lull last season, but it has definitely gotten more interesting this season.


I think the idea was to win Hope over to their way of thinking, not just physically take her there. Hence the road trip with Huck. The length of the trip on foot was a good thing. Of course it didn't work out that way, they had company and ended up with a vehicle that shortened the journey, but it's clear the CR wants their recruited talent to be all in. Not feeling like they're being held against their will.

A captive genius can find a million ways to sabotage whatever you have them doing, or at the very least slow things down and give you less than their best. That one guy who worked with their father and supposedly went back to Portland (yeah right) probably became suspicious of the CRM's motives, or found something, so they removed him before he could communicate that to anyone else. My guess is the Civic Republic's leaders don't just want to stop the dead rising but dominate the world that comes after. They must have weapons applications in mind for some of the research their scientists think is peaceful.


Thank you for responding. You made some really good points.
