oh my god!

Poor Zabel đŸ˜„


Sad face indeed. Dude is getting played. No one gives a fuck about him. He's out in the cold all alone


You haven't finished the episode yet, have you?


He’s out in the cold alright


There's also a REVIEW where it says the ACTOR almost QUIT ACTING because of this ROLE that he had in the show.


Evan Peters Thought About Quitting Acting After ‘Mare of Easttown’ Scene: ‘Hysterically Sobbing’

But I also haven't read it yet.

Back again:

While Zabel’s death is the biggest “Mare of Easttown” shock so far, it’s not the scene that left Peters most rattled when filming. That would be the viral moment in Episode 3 where a drunken Zabel reveals his vulnerabilities to Mare. Peters told Vanity Fair that filming the moment caused him to question his own future as a working actor because he was convinced he bombed.

Zobel revealed on Twitter after Episode 3 aired that Peters drank cups of apple cider vinegar every half hour in order to “trigger sense memories” of being drunk. The scene became a standout for “Mare of Easttown” thanks to Peters’ inebriated acting.

This part of it says it wasn't the DEATH SCENE, but the other DRUNK SCENE that made him want to QUIT. But I also think he did pretty good at portraying himself in that scene, because another poster here on another topic also figured out from it that COLIN probably wasn't really the BIG HERO that others though he was from it.


Maybe he was fishing for a compliment or something, but Evan Peters was always a good actor.


Yeah maybe he was fishing, but his performance also inspired a conversation here on another topic, where someone questioned whether or not he was a good enough detective or not to have done the HEROIC deed that he'd become known for doing.

And sure enough what they said turned out to be right, because they'd also questioned whether he'd really done it or not.

And they'd also pointed out how GOOFY he was for someone that was suppose to be such a HOT SHOT.

And then we LITERALLY encounter a situation where he wasn't a GOOD SHOT, even with MARE giving him a WARNING to UNLOCK the safety on his GUN, after he'd also SEEN the WINSTON cigarettes, and heard the girls repeatedly beating on the pipes to let them know they were there.

So why does someone TRAINED as a COP FREEZE UP like that and have to be reminded 2 times by MARE to BEWARE of the other guy who kills him???

It's because he was NOT as big of a HOT SHOT as others thought he was and shouldn't have been placed into that job in the first place.

But watch his mother still blame his death on MARE anyhow even though she WARNS him TWICE to watch out.



Well when I responded I assumed you were talking about episode 4. But now I know.
