MovieChat Forums > Argo (2012) Discussion > This movie isn't about hostages or even ...

This movie isn't about hostages or even the CIA

It's about the hypocrisy of HOLLYWOOD! Plain and simple. All this hoo haw about Canada or Britain or Iranians etc., being disrespected or misrepresented? WTF!?
They are barely in it. The best parts of the movie are about how making a fake movie, lying about your intentions of said movie, totally BS-ing everyone about WHY you are lying about said movie and you are GOLDEN! You fit right in. So many priceless lines with absolutely brilliant delivery by John Goodman and Alan Arkin especially, had me laughing out loud for real which is something I rarely do for a movie.

In fact all these post about what's real or not, who's right or not, this movie showing the hypocrisy is actually the most honest movie from hollywood in a long time.

Thank you, Affleck and Clooney

P.S. I will be happy to discuss anything about the movie in the "context" of the movie's creation or movies universe, costumes, trivia, funny lines, touching moments, etc.

Any of this other unrelated B.S. can read this wonderful line from the movie!

What does "Argo" mean?
It means "Argo *beep* yourself."



You sure are an angry fellow. You okay man?

Boopee doopee doop boop SEX



Out of genuine curiosity, because I've read your insistent railing on multiple posts over the course of months and months, BLT, do you feel you've achieved your goal? Do you have a goal? Every board seems to have a person that just loathes and abhors whatever movie/tv show the board is for. But I struggle to understand why they rant and rave on every post. You do not like this movie, it got it entirely wrong, anyone who believes it to have any truth in it is an utter cretin, and Americans love to be lied to. I think it is safe to say we all get where you're coming from. We all have things we get worked into a lather about. I'm just not sure what you are looking to accomplish and was hoping you would enlighten me, preferably without reiterating the same points you've already listed in every other post. (Btw, I just caught the last maybe 45 minutes of Argo on FX, didn't have any real interest in seeing it when it came out, probably never would have seen it if it hadn't been on whilst I was making pancakes, and yes the ending with the plane was absolute nonsense.)



I didn't say the time was wasted. When I go to a board for a movie or tv show I check out multiple threads, which might not be the norm, which is how I discovered you posted the same response on numerous threads. And thank you for sort of answering my question. If you'd indulge me, do you attack everything in your life with this level of tenacity or did this movie specifically affect you so much that you felt compelled to let everyone know how wrong it was? Again I am genuinely curious...



Thank you for taking the time to interact with me. I appreciate your passion and was truly intrigued as to why exactly you felt so passionately about this particular movie. If I might make one suggestion... sometimes your tone, without the context of facial expressions and voice inflections, comes across as condescending. I am sure you have encountered many combative people which may have lead you to feel immediately defensive when responding. I noticed several people baiting you on other threads. I promise that I meant no disrespect and just wished to engage you in a conversation regarding the why of your vehement dislike of Argo, if there was more motivation beyond your listed grievances. From what I saw of it I would hardly consider it award worthy, but then I stopped caring about awards/critics back when The English Patient was everyone's darling. That was 2 and a half hours of my life I can never get back spent wishing I could gauge my eyes out with a hot poker. Ugh.



I check out multiple threads, which might not be the norm, which is how I discovered you posted the same response on numerous threads.
LOL! The guy has been paTROLLing this board's threads for years. I had dealings with him a few years ago, when he was all over the threads then. I come back some 3 years later to do a few posts (not to him) after seeing this fine film again and have instantaneous responses the next day from him for goodness sake! I find it fascinating, but weird just the same, that a poster who confesses he hates a film, can just keep lurking around it's boards ... for years on end, repeating the same old mantras ad nauseum! It's sad that his fixations don't allow him to move on. 🐭


I've discovered that IMDB boards often devolve into arguments about how things in movies couldn't happen IRL or that "based on true story" movies aren't true enough/at all. Which is hilarious to me bc they are movies, they aren't meant to be real at all. I'm the first person to lose interest in a movie and devolve into mocking it but the passionate posts I see railing against movies for not being "real enough" puzzle me. I just don't care enough to keep going back again and again. We like it or we don't and I personally don't feel the need to convince strangers to tell me I'm right. :-D


... but the passionate posts I see railing against movies for not being "real enough" puzzle me.
I truly find it bizarre!
I just don't care enough to keep going back again and again.
Well exactly, most would move on. I'll sometimes fulminate perhaps more than I should, against a film, I didn't like. But to keep hanging around a film's boards for YEARS, repeating the same old clap trap? Well it's the last thing I'd ever want to do. But to be fair to the poor misguided soul, he's not a completely isolated case. There was a guy I noticed over on the Prometheus boards who wrote hundreds of posts (essentially saying the same thing), about how it was the worst film ever made. LOL! I guess everyone feels they have a mission in life.🐭


That's exactly why it's offensive, if you didn't get it. Canadian diplomats had risked their LIVES to save ungrateful Americans who were in a jam.

It certainly is valid to point out the factual inaccuracies that are in this film. But to throw in that the 6 Americans were "ungrateful" is stepping over the line. Do you know any of them personally? I doubt it, I'm sure they were very grateful and you have no proof otherwise. You do realize that they had nothing to do with making the movie and how the events were portrayed, don't you?

You must be the change you seek in the world. -- Gandhi


This movie, whilst allegedly well produced, well acted and well photographed is nothing more than a fairy tale as far as the CIA's involvement is concerned. God bless Ken Taylor on the day pf his passing..
