Season 1: 4/10

It's not godawful or anything, but it's a bit too flawed for my tastes. It does have some good scenery, a strong sense of adventure, some good action, and I thought that Ward, Sarah's rich dad, was the most interesting character in the entire season due to his connection to John B's father during their search for the treasure, but everything else is just shallow.

The pacing's so uneven, it's not even close to what the Outer Banks looks like in real life, the main characters and yes even the supporting ones are shallow, but the biggest problem is that it's way too melodramatic for my tastes. Now, I'm OK with having some drama every once in a while but only if it's done right. Other Netflix shows had way better drama like say Dark, House of Cards, A Series of Unfortunate Events, and Stranger Things, but here the drama has been used to extremely silly levels.

Now, if you like the 1st season a lot, more power to you. It just didn't do it for me. I hope the 2nd season's better though.


Some episodes felt repetitive and it took a while to let it become mildly interesting
