MovieChat Forums > The Oscars (2020) Discussion > Congrats To Joaquin Phoenix for Winning ...

Congrats To Joaquin Phoenix for Winning Best Actor for Joker

congrats well deserved I think Mark Hamill and Heath Ledger are best versions of the character also Phoenix best role is still Commodus



His speech was great.


So you enjoyed the hypocrisy? I just found it pathetic... Yammer yammer yammer about poor little cows, then walk off the stage wearing shoes made out of those poor little cow's mothers. Yeah... great speech. If someone wants to preach about animal rights then the first thing they need to do is stop wearing anything that only exists because of the deaths of living creatures. Frankly that also means no cotton cloth either as the number of animals killed off so that a farmer can grow cotton is staggeringly high... but I have yet to see one of these celebrity animal rights activists living the life of a Jane... they just throw out the verbal manure and then go about wallowing in the carcuses of animals the rest of their life.


He's been a vegan since he was a young child. He doesn't wear leather. Not even wool.

"the number of animals killed off so that a farmer can grow cotton is staggeringly high"
You have a link?


There are few links to information on the problems of deforestation which is required for any farming for things like cotton or the food a vegan eats... they also give you some indication of the amount of pesticides and chemical used in cotton production. It will give you a clue as to just how much death is a result of a vegan lifestyle.

I won't pretend that raising cattle doesn't require the deaths of animals, but I'm not foolish enough to believe that a vegan lifestyle doesn't still come at the expense of other living creatures and that was my problem with Joaquin's yammering self-righteous speech. Either all live is precious or it isn't and if he wants to pretend all life is precious then you can't ignore the wildlife killed for farms, or the mice killed when harvesting grain or the birds killed from eating pesticide laden insects that were poisoned by farmers.


How do you know his cotton shirts aren't organically grown?

"Organic cotton is grown using methods and materials that have a low impact on the environment. Organic production systems replenish and maintain soil fertility, reduce the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and fertilizers, and build biologically diverse agriculture. Third­-party certification organizations verify that organic producers use only methods and materials allowed in organic production. Organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic and persistent pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. In addition, federal regulations prohibit the use of genetically engineered seed for organic farming. All cotton sold as organic in the United States must meet strict federal regulations covering how the cotton is grown."


Well you copy and pasted a nice bit of propaganda from the organic cotton growers... but the reality is organic cotton still uses insanely high amount of pesticides, the only difference is they aren't allowed to use synthetically produced pesticides, but even organic pesticides destroy the environment. So even if he managed to get hold of some organic cotton it still isn't without problem.

As for what he was wearing it was apparently all Stella McCartney, which means it had regular cotton in it. As for the coat it was virgin wool which means it was wool shaved off poor little sheep who were left to shiver in the cold. He's still a hypocrite, like every other animal rights fool because as I said unless you become a Jane you aren't going to get away from harming life forms somewhere along the way, and even if you are a Jane the only way to truly live a life without hurting other is to live like one of the monks that goes so far as to sweep their path in front of themselves to make sure they don't harm any insects. I respect those monks because they have a believe and as much as think its bullshit they actually live up to that standard that they preach... not like your western world PETA douche bags that only care about a few animals that they can easily point to while ignoring the others that are killed by companies providing them everything they use.




Very happy for Phoenix....

always thought he was a great actor, But after seeing Joker and being BLOWN AWAY by his performance , I went back and watched a few of his movies including Walk The Line and LORD, I just saw the film and his performance in a totally new light....I went back and looked at the Actors in The Best Actor category that year, and 1000% feel Phoenix should have and deserved to win that year for his Performance in Walk The Line.

for me, what both Todd Phillips and Phoenix did with Joker was ALL TIME greatness type stuff...

Although I must admit, I do consider BOTH Heath Ledger and Joaquin Phoenix's Performances Equally Great....

I feel they both Played basically total different characters and Literally BOTH Nailed those characters to their absolute highest possible Peak!

but Yes very happy he won....

Had he not got the award given the field the year and given his Stunning performance, I truly would have felt there was some kind of Biased going on....

would love to see him return to character with a sequel!


He’s a freak show


He deserved it more for Two Lovers or The Master, but it was a good performance by a great actor so I can’t complain.

It seems strange that the Joker joins Vito Corleone as a character who has won an Oscar for two different actors. Few would have predicted this.


No one would have predicted this at the start of the century, strange such a character picked up two Oscars, but well deserved both times.


Well deserved, yes... but Ledger is far superior IMO - and I say this as someone who prefers Joker to The Dark Knight.

Ledger had no competition whereas there were two performances nominated against Phoenix which I personally preferred. But good for him, he has his first Oscar and his career up to now certainly deserves that recognition.


I think this unique record will be held for some decades, Oscar winning portrayals of historical figures may top it at some point though.


Jon Lovitz is maybe the most talented person in the world.
