White guilt

ok, I get it. All white people are evil. The country was built on the backs of brown people, and don't you dare forget or challenge it.

That about it? We done here?


LOL. That arguement has never held water and the fact that "most" people believe it to be true is proof of brainwashing.

Think I'm wrong.

Homework, MFers, do you do it?(in my LOUD Samuel L. Jackson voice)... Yes I appropriated it from him.


It's a coincidence how shortly after this show premiered racial issues erupted in American again. This show will probably get nominated for an Emmy or something, if only because it's subject matter is very timely.


In the last episode....they make such a big deal about how the Tiago/Molly relationship was “impossible”....they couldn’t even hold hands in BHs.

I guess Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball wouldn’t exist in this universe.
