MovieChat Forums > The Book of Eli (2010) Discussion > A world finally free from religion

A world finally free from religion

Why would anyone in his sane mind try to revive religion or any kind of thougtless and insane mindvirus like religion after the absolutely awfully bad track-record of previous times=

It's like, please, our old world destroyed us, please bring it back and make it even worse.

That's a bad premise of a movie, and I hated every single second of it.
Think Denzel is a good actor, sorry though that he chose to participate in this atrocity of a movie.

Its plainly bad for anyone, religious or not.



Yeah the world was PERFECT without religion. IDJIT


way more messed up with religion though. you don't see atheists blowing up buildings now do you? or were responsible 4 the holy wars or inquisitions?

There is no one looking out for us. We are all alone. Graham Hess


So without religion there would be no war or murder? ROFL


There would no crusades, inquisition or salem witch trials.

I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


The Crusades happened so that Europe could defend itself against the Turks. And Inquisition and Salem combined caused much less lives than the purges of the ATHEIST, ANTI-RELIGIOUS communist bigots who executed tenths of thousands of priests and believers.


you don't see atheists blowing up buildings now do you?

Do Stalin and Chairman Mao qualify for this category?

I think you and the OP are forgetting - I don't know how - that governments "of the people" were responsible for upwards of 200,000,000 deaths in the 20th century.

How was religion, per se, at the core of that monstrous number of human destruction?

You could add up all the deaths attributable to the Inquisition, the Crusades, and Moslem terrorism (rightly blowback) and I doubt you'd hit more than 1% of that number.

Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken


And many of Communist Russia's victims were religious persecuted for believing at all - as opposed to the 'atheist ideal'.


Yes. The Soviet Union made sure all the Orthodox churches were stocked with soviet puppets. Communist China drove the Christian church completely underground where it remains to this day.

Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken


I purposefully created an account to here just to say what nonsense you speak of.
What you said.

I think you and the OP are forgetting - I don't know how - that governments "of the people" were responsible for upwards of 200,000,000 deaths in the 20th century.

How was religion, per se, at the core of that monstrous number of human destruction?

You could add up all the deaths attributable to the Inquisition, the Crusades, and Moslem terrorism (rightly blowback) and I doubt you'd hit more than 1% of that number.

Thankfully i know the bible more then you do, so lets get started shall we ;)

Romans 13:1-8(new testament by the may!!) Submission to Governing Authorities
1 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended. 4 For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for rulers do not bear the sword for no reason. They are God’s servants, agents of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. 6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

Isaiah 45:7
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

Enjoy, you gullible fool XD

And many religions share similar nonsense in their teachings. That is just one example from one of the more popular religions, christianity. A religion that you too most likely might hold. ;)


Please explain your point. I don't want to assume what it is...

And I appreciate someone who knows the bible more than me. ;)

Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken


My point is that every government and governing authority was purposefully chosen by god. And every bad or good act they do is gods will and we had it coming, according to the bible.

So according to Romans 13:1-8 (new testament btw) Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Ceasar, Khan and whoever were appointed by god himself and all the bad acts they did they did it to the will of god.

So all of the wars that have ever been fought all of the crimes the governments have committed is attributed to that very same god.

So if for an example christians wish their beliefs to be true then they have a hole lot of answering to do.


Got it.

And what you write make sense, if you hold that governments are instituted by God (god) Reality, or the Supreme Being, to uphold his sovereign will with regard to the mayhem, death and corruption as represented by same, with no blame to lay on those who are governed.

I am quite familiar with Romans 13:1-8, as well as Peter 2:13,14 and Titus 3:1.

And every bad or good act they do is gods will and we had it coming, according to the bible.

Would you say that governments of the 20th century, were by and large, the result of popular elections, in other words chosen, by the people under their leadership?

Is it more accurate to say, god put evil men in power, or like the Israelites of Samuel 8:5, demanded it despite the warnings of what would ensue as a result?

Is it a contradiction to be a Christian and still oppose the corrupting power and evil that results from living in an era of popularly elected leaders, or dictators and tyrants?

Or as Christians should we say "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God." Acts 4:19 and "We must obey God rather than men." Act 5:29, when governors and leaders, whether elected or not, present rules and actions contrary to the established will of God through Christ?

Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken


Simply put, all is the plan of an all knowing god, according to christianity, that is. So whether people actually got to "choose" or not, it was all pre-planned from the beginning. And in a sense there is no free will when all is known ahead of time, thoughts, actions etc.

It would be more accurate to say that there is no reason to even think that there is this god figure. But to amuse your point, it still goes with the plan of god, and for him being all knowing ahead of time. So he already knew what was going to happen and he did it anyways.

And many governments/authority figures did horrible things even before the 20th century so it does not excuse christians or their god one bit.


If you will bear with me a little more and amuse my point: Because God knows the outcome ahead of time, but sets the boundaries knowing they will be crossed anyway, what is the alternative? To create that which runs on autopilot doing what is always the morally correct and upright thing to do? Or, like animals who just do what they do because they are animals and have no choice but to act according to their nature?

The evil that men do is either the result of their flawed nature and character, or it has to be attributable to something else.

Put another way, if Hitler was really crazy, then he bears no responsibility for his actions.

Because God is the author of creation, knowing the result would eventually be evil, then the bottom line is - it's his fault for making us in the first place and allowing the capacity for evil to exist.

Existence exists. Reality exists. It does no good to lay blame at the feet of those who attribute our existence and reality to a Creator, who made us with the capacity for choice even knowing ahead of time what the outcome would be. Religion, per se, is not the problem. Men are and the choices they make. What is the answer to that?

Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken


If you knowingly teach your kids in a certain way, knowing ahead of time, that because of it they will do horrible things when they grow up. Is it really the children's fault or yours?

Plus you are almost implying that there is either current version or a morally right autopilot. Would you not agree that an all powerful and all knowing god could create a world such as ours, with infinite free will while with no evil.

Or do you find that to be impossible for god?

An all powerful and all knowing god has endless options while creating the universe, he supposedly chose this F'd up version to be the best course of action.

***Daily billions of animals suffer greatly from being eaten alive. While they had nothing to do with the sin entering the world.

***Millions of kids die every year of starvation and from easily curable diseases.

***War, rape, murder, torture and other horrible acts happen daily.


The difference between your god and me is that, when i see a child suffering or a person being raped i do anything in my power to stop such a thing from taking place. I do not watch idly by as the perpetrator does his/her thing and maybe later i punish him. (depending whether he worships me or my son, and then asks forgiveness)

Now you might think that god doesn't want to interfere with free will.

Well then, isn't the victim just suffering that, isn't the victims free will being taken away at that moment.

In that case your god would hold the criminals free will to higher importance over the victims.


Anyways, i could go all day talking about why and how the god of the bible is one of the most evil characters of all fiction. I understand that you feel different towards that subject. I was a christian once actually, so i do feel what you might feel.

I understand that religions are crafted over great periods of time to be very alluring and reassuring for people.

I urge you to think for yourself. Read your bible and study it yourself.

And you could ask this easy question from yourself.

What makes my religion any different from the rest?
Why is my belief any different from the rest?

4200 other gods to choose from, while christianity itself is divided into over 30 000 version, but i am sure you happen to have the right one, just saying ;)


You've said a lot of interesting things.

If I may, let's simplify as much as we can so as to not cloud the issue, which is: Christians are told to submit to government; government makes horrible conditions for human existence in many, if not most, instances; God appoints all governments; God knew ahead of time the outcome and so is the author of the evil men do; Christians believe in God and the Bible, therefore Christians have a lot to answering to do.

A summation of your thought process is a standard argument against a caring, loving, God.

Since there is evil coexisting with a God who, had he chosen, could have created a world with universal love rather than this "f----- up" one we find ourselves in, then it follows there must be no God. Or, at least not the God Christians portray him to be.

Your argument presupposes the fact of God's existence. Because if he doesn't exist, then what is the point of your argument, other than to lambaste Christians who hold to the idea that not only does God exist, but he speaks?

I affirm Reality, not wishful thinking or some conceptual Utopia that cannot be.

Reality sets the rules. You and I can scream and shout all day long, and it doesn't change the fact that, not properly recognized, Reality will be our judge.

It may look warm and sunny outside, but if I insist on going out naked in 20 below zero weather, I will die.

Reality remains independent of all perception, though everyone's view of it is unique. Believe it or not, I appreciate your point of view and thank you for sharing it.

Would it change your perception if God were better termed by his own sacred name which can be justly understood as Existence/Reality/Being?

Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken


What random nonsense. Like most pastors and such talk to act all knowledgeable about it, while not answering anything.

And i already told you way back that

It would be more accurate to say that there is no reason to even think that there is this god figure. But to amuse your point....

Now buzz off if you plan on being this sort of a cowardly and dishonest character.


Well. I certainly didn't plan on it. My points and questions were most sincere. I cannot fault you, though, for not recognizing it since I didn't take the usual argumentative gain say approach.

Thank you for your participation and your patience.


Democracy is the pathetic belief in the collective wisdom of individual ignorance. H.L. Mencken


Yeah yeah, tell it to your mother that you didn't plan it or that you were most sincere.

I specifically said earlier. To make it clear.
It would be more accurate to say that there is no reason to even think that there is this god figure. But to amuse your point, it

And even you pointed it in another reply.
If you will bear with me a little more and amuse my point

And now you start with this nonsense.
Your argument presupposes the fact of God's existence. Because if he doesn't exist, then what is the point of your argument, other than to lambaste Christians who hold to the idea that not only does God exist, but he speaks?

I affirm Reality, not wishful thinking or some conceptual Utopia that cannot be.

You are either a fool or dishonest to start that nonsense. And i don't think you are a fool.


Tell you what. Why don't you answer those following questions with a yes or a no answer.
Can you do that?

Following the bibles account

1)Do you believe that humans came from Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden?
2)Do you believe that Noahs flood took place as described?


No much to ask isn't it? Just easy yep or noup.


Sum that up with the fact that God allows murder, rape, diseases, natural disasters, terrorist attacks, huner, kidnapping etc. In fact he even encourages this. God allows all these millions of people to die, purposefully. If God would exist, why would he let all these people die? Is it because they deserve it? Millions of children deserve to die of hunger because of the fact that they were born? Or is it because it's all part of a bigger plan? Would God really let thousands of innocent lives die in terrorist attacks, because it's a part of a bigger plan? Just accept the fact that God doesn't accept. Christianity is *beep* and so is every religion alike.


Yes i accept the fact that God dosen't accept😊


Wait so you're blaming God for the evils man does to one a other? You're blaming God for those that disobey him? Should God not allow people to do any evil? That wouldn't be free will, OT would be tyranny.


governments "of the people" were responsible for upwards of 200,000,000 deaths in the 20th century

How many of those people were killed in the name of a lack of belief in gods?


What like the communists killing Tibetan monks?

Don't know, probably a few thousand.

But let's just pretend they don't exist out of convenience to your anti-religion argument.

Of course it would be pretty hard, nigh impossible, to find a religious war that didn't have entirely earthly motivations. Like a land-grab, ethnic tension etc.


I'm not particularly anti-religion or anything, I just think it's stupid to say that if someone who doesn't believe in gods kills someone else, that they were motivated by their not believing in gods. That's just ridiculous.


Agreed, similarly it is stupid to suggest that (nearly all) religious warfare has anything to do with religion. It's almost always tribal.


I agree. Lacking religion, people would find other rationalisations to justify aggression.


you don't see atheists blowing up buildings now do you?

No, of course not.



I'm pretty sure you DO see atheists blowing up buildings.

And you certainly do see millions dead thank you very much Stalin, and Mao.

Now religion might be abused and used by people to attain power, wealth etc, but do you think the Catholic church would have been keen to send soldiers to burn rape pillage and loot if there hadn't been a percentage?

You think there would be no greed, or slavery, without religion? That things would be rosy?

Religion is the route or source of most charity in humans, it's how most humans learn the value of giving.

Now of course you don't have to be religious to be charitable, or have a conscience etc etc but even if you aren't religious chances are your world view has been impacted by religious notions of charity.

Chimpanzees don't have charity. You got a bad leg? Tough luck limpy.

I'm not religious at all, so don't presume my view to be one tainted by any faith in a higher power. But get off your pedestal about atheists all being peaceful, and not wanting to kill each other.

Religion is far and away more inclined towards peace, even with other or opposed religions, than it is war or bloodshed.

Sure Pakistan and India are at war, a result of British colonialism, thank you very much. So the result of greed, not religion. Prior to all that Hindus, Muslims etc cohabited.


Never said there would be a perfect world without religion.
But the actual world displayed in THIS movie was a direct result of the previous world being a religious one. It's ending was clearly spelled out to be the result of war between religions.
And that clearly spelled disaster, right?

By the way: Your way of spelling a hateful remark doesn't really make you look either bright nor reasonable. Please, catch up.


It's about power and control. Carnegie can't expand his influence and maintain control with the limited manpower he has got, and prople would soon become jealous or resentful of him and rebel against him.
But if he indoctrinates his citizens with a religion that makes them believe in an all seeing divine justice, they'd be more likely to fall in line. It's a tried and tested formula.

Granted terrorism, wars etc may be because of religion, but the leaders of those religions hold control over a lot of people and get to enjoy the power and security that comes with that.


RICHARD-894 You are very near the mark!! Power and control.There is NO doubt whatsoever that terrorism wars etc were,not may,because of ALL man(Astral)made religions.If a lot of people,including yourself,were to read "One Light" by Jon Whistler and published by Light Pulsations and carry on to "Enter the Vortex as One Light". Then and only then will you and many along with you will understand what I am getting at.


You're a fruit loop mate.


The problem here is that religion is just completely made up. Carnegie could have just made up his own religion, it would be just as likely to work.

I don't give a f*@K about a troll who doesn't pay for his opinion telling me how to review movies.


Denzel is a Christian so he probably enjoyed it

Uh....oh,oh, it's the pancakes! You don't like pancakes, I will get you somethin else!


bodyspiritsoul. I like the Monika.Do you think YOUR body is you? May I bring your attention to my post just above this one.


Religion had a role in the development of culture, thriving in its early days because it united desert tribes who (going by modern behaviour) were violently racist towards each other.

If you don't like far-fetched, violent apocalypse movies fair enough, but it's a mistake to write this film off for its depiction of religion, it's the source of a lot of its depth and originality.


ummmm.......I think I would rather live in the world with religion if thats an accurate depiction of a world without it.


No offense but I am a Christian and I have to say that God would want the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection told even to people who don't know him when a war and disaster destroyed the world as we know it.

Green Goblin is great!


religion equals power over the masses. Thought that was obvious. The Oldman character was not religious at all


for all non-believers, do yiou believe in free will?
